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Write a complete MATLAB program to input the first (X) number of series, and then: 1. Add the next 70th numbers; 2. Calculate the average value

1 view (last 30 days)
I don't understand the question and even internet doesn't help me either.
I want to solve the question
Rik on 31 Aug 2021
If you don't understand the question itself, ask your teacher for clarification. That is the advice Steven already gave you, and I can only agree.
Jan on 31 Aug 2021
Even the 1st sentence is mysterious: "Write a complete MATLAB program to input the first (X) number of series". What are "incomplete" programs? Does "the first (X) number" mean a specific number of elements of a specefic series? How could a program determine the following 70 (!!!) elements? There is no unique way to expand a given list of numbers. So appending 19 is a good choice. The average number of what?
This question is not meanigful. The internet cannot help to solve an unclear question, because this would require a portion of magic.

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