How does predict with ensemble regression works?

2 views (last 30 days)
This might be a silly question...iam using bagging with regression trees. I built for instance 10 different trees, then I average them. when I then use predict to predict my y value, how does it work? does it somehow average the fitted y values?!
thanks for your help!!

Accepted Answer

Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna on 13 Aug 2014
Edited: Shashank Prasanna on 13 Aug 2014
For classification the output of the ensemble is the class that gets majority vote from all the learners. For regression the results are averaged.
Tania on 14 Aug 2014
So for instance, if i have 10 observations and I built 5 different trees. i take all their predicted y values of the different trees and average them,yes?
Machine Learning
Machine Learning on 10 Feb 2015
Short answer is yes.
However if you want a more accurate y you have to look into boosting.

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