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Can't choose the display type in Data inspector

5 views (last 30 days)
I've came across a very annoying bug that I couldn't fix:
One time I plotted an event based signal on data inspector (the PMLSM driver's output from the Simscape's PMLSM example). Since then, EVERY plot that I do on the data inspector graph is "event based" even though it's not.
How can I force Data inspector to go back to normal display and not event based ?
Here's what it looks like VS what it should look like:

Accepted Answer

Joris Naudin
Joris Naudin on 18 Oct 2021
Hey handsome boiiii
I found the wayyyy
You go to layout button, click on "Edit View" and you'll have the choice of type of plots. You have to drag and drop the type you want to the plot you want.
flies away into the clouds

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