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How do I plot a square given the length of the sides and the center of x and y?

20 views (last 30 days)
I have this code to graph a square based on the input data that the user enters, which is L (length of the sides) and x0, y0 (the center of X and Y). When my square is graphed it comes out with these lines and I don't know how to remove or limit them.
r = input("Enter the radius of the circle: ");
l = input("Enter the length of the sides of the square: ");
x0 = input("Enter the center of x: ");
y0 = input("Enter the center of y: ");
x = linspace(0,1,5);
y = zeros(1,5);
hold on
x = cosd(0) * l * x - sind(0) * l * y;
y = sind(0) * l * x + cosd(0) * l * y;
x2 = cosd(0) * l * x - sind(0) * l * y;
y2 = l + sind(0) * l * x + cosd(0) * l * y;
x3 = cosd(90) * l * x - sind(90) * l * y;
y3 = sind(90) * l * x + cosd(90) * l * y;
x4 = l + cosd(90) * l * x - sind(90) * l * y;
y4 = sind(90) * l * x + cosd(90) * l * y;
hold off
axis equal

Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 11 Nov 2021
One way,
[x0,y0,L]=deal(2,1,4); %example input parameters
p=polyshape( [x0,y0]+[-1 -1; -1 1; 1 1; 1 -1]*L/2 );

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