Display my data from MATLAB to uiHTML

21 views (last 30 days)
John Cedrick
John Cedrick on 15 Nov 2021
Answered: Sameer on 14 Nov 2024
Hello, I'm new in MATLAB and uihtml, i created html(this is just practice codes) then it display in command window of MATLAB, may I ask if how can I display my data from to HTML? Here's my codes:
figure = uifigure;
figure.Position = [500 500 490 180];
HTML = uihtml(figure);
HTML.Position = [20 20 450 130];
HTML.HTMLSource = fullfile(pwd, 'html.html');
HTML.DataChangedFcn = @(src, event) dataChangedCallback(src, event);
function dataChangedCallback(~, event)
HTML = event.Data;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript" >
function setup(htmlComponent) {
document.getElementById('myForm').addEventListener('submit', function (event){
htmlComponent.Data = {'Name': document.getElementById('inputName').value};
htmlComponent.addEventListener("HTML", function(event) {
document.getElementById("dataDisplay").innerHTML = htmlComponent.Data;
<form id="myForm">
<label for="Name">Input your name:</label>
<input type="text" id="inputName">
<button type="submit" id="submit" >Submit</button>
<div id="dataDisplay">
Display data here..

Answers (1)

Sameer on 14 Nov 2024
To display data from your HTML form in MATLAB using the "uihtml" component, you need to ensure that the data is correctly passed from the HTML form to MATLAB and then handled appropriately.
There are a few issues in your current setup that need to be addressed:
1. You need to ensure that the data is correctly passed from the HTML to the MATLAB environment. Your JavaScript code should correctly format the data and trigger the "DataChangedFcn" callback in MATLAB.
2. When passing data from JavaScript to MATLAB, ensure it's in a format MATLAB can understand, such as JSON.
Here's how you can modify your code:
% Create a UI figure
fig = uifigure;
fig.Position = [500 500 490 180];
% Create a uihtml component
htmlComponent = uihtml(fig);
htmlComponent.Position = [20 20 450 130];
htmlComponent.HTMLSource = fullfile(pwd, 'html.html');
% Define the data changed callback function
htmlComponent.DataChangedFcn = @(src, event) dataChangedCallback(src, event);
function dataChangedCallback(~, event)
% Extract the data sent from HTML
data = event.Data;
if isfield(data, 'Name')
disp(['Name: ', data.Name]); % Display the name in the command window
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">
function setup(htmlComponent) {
document.getElementById('myForm').addEventListener('submit', function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission
// Get the input value
var name = document.getElementById('inputName').value;
// Send data to MATLAB
htmlComponent.Data = {Name: name};
// Display the data within the HTML
document.getElementById("dataDisplay").innerHTML = 'Name: ' + name;
<form id="myForm">
<label for="Name">Input your name:</label>
<input type="text" id="inputName">
<button type="submit" id="submit">Submit</button>
<div id="dataDisplay">
Display data here..
Hope this helps!


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