real coded Genetic algorithm

1 view (last 30 days)
vetri on 27 Oct 2014
Answered: Stalin Samuel on 27 Oct 2014
i have found the objective fun (ie) is given below fitR = zeros(1,N); for j = 1: N PI0 = PI(1:xR(j,1)); ind = PI0 == 0; ind = ind .* eps; PI0 = PI0 + ind; clear ind w0 = sum(PI0); H0 = -sum((PI0/w0).*(log(PI0/w0))); fitR(j) = fitR(j) + H0; for jl = 2: level PI0 = PI(xR(j,jl-1)+1:xR(j,jl)); ind = PI0 == 0; ind = ind .* eps; PI0 = PI0 + ind; clear ind w0 = sum(PI0); H0 = -sum((PI0/w0).*(log(PI0/w0))); fitR(j) = fitR(j) + H0; end end please tell me how to apply the objective fun in real coded GA .provide some example coding

Answers (1)

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel on 27 Oct 2014

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