Hi Molly,
I understood you want to create an editable table in appdesigner that can change its size dynamically according to user input.
To do this, you can create an additional button and add a callback to the button
- The callback implements the functionality of creating the dynamic table from user defined size
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
size = [app.RowsEditField.Value app.ColumnsEditField.Value];
varTypes = strings(1,app.ColumnsEditField.Value);
varTypes = varTypes+'double';
data = table('Size',size,'VariableTypes',varTypes);
The app looks like follows, before clicking the Create Table Button
After the click of button, the table gets updated with the size mentioned in the two edit fields (Rows and Columns)
Finally, editing of the cells in the table can be enabled by setting the columnEditable attribute of table to true
In order to access the data or entries in the table, use the Data property of table as follows
tableData = app.UITable.Data;
I have attached the app containing the while workflow that I mentioned above.
Refer to below documentation links for more information:
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/table.html
- https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/access-data-in-a-table.html
Hope this helps!