How do I access AppDesigner variables in a function that I write and call?

7 views (last 30 days)
I am calling a function that I wrote from a GUI I designed with Appdesigner. I want to use many variables such as app.* in that function. I would rather not define a huge number of input variables for the function. I have used global variables in the past, use of global variables is not recommended by Matlab and teh global declaration gets a forbidding red underline. Is there an easy and compact way to access all the app.* variables functions called by the GUI designed in appdesigner?

Accepted Answer

Ranjan Sonalkar
Ranjan Sonalkar on 27 Jan 2022
So, if I call the function with "app" as an argument, as if "app" is a structure, I should be able to refer to all the variables that are defined in the Appdesigner code as app.var1, app.var2.... etc within the function?
Ranjan Sonalkar
Ranjan Sonalkar on 27 Jan 2022
Thanks, that is easy enough for what I want to do now. But, it looks like I should understand MATLAB object better than I do now since the implication is that the structure properties are a subset of object properties, and I might want to use the full features of objects in the future.
Jon on 28 Jan 2022
You can also call any public methods of app, so if your app had a public function, myAppFun
function result = myAppFun(app,x)
then inside of your function, myFun that takes app as an argument you could call it using for example
function myFun(app,x)
y = app.myAppFun(x)

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More Answers (1)

Jon on 27 Jan 2022
Edited: Jon on 27 Jan 2022
So I'm understanding that you have written a function and want to call it from within your appdesigner app. You then want this function to have access to the variables within the app. If so, I think you can get what you want simply by passing app as an argument to your function.


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