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0×1 empty double column vector
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My Code -
disp("Break Away Point")
syms sigma omega k f real
s = sigma+j*omega;
fx = (s^3)+(3*s^2)+(2*s)+k;
f = expand(fx);
f1 = real(f);
f2 = imag(f);
A = jacobian([f1,f2],[sigma omega]);
omega = 0;
sigma = vpasolve(det(eval(A)),sigma)
A2 = eval(f1);
k = double(vpasolve(A2,k))
k =
0×1 empty double column vector
any suggestion how to fix it?
Tenzing Thiley
on 14 Feb 2022
no it is not if I type A(1) it is giving value
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 14 Feb 2022
There are multiple solutions, but your code was trying to find a single k value that satisfied all of the possibilites at the same time.
Also, do not eval() a symbolic expression. eval() of a symbolic expression gives an undefined result.
disp("Break Away Point")
Break Away Point
syms sigma omega k f real
s = sigma+j*omega;
fx = (s^3)+(3*s^2)+(2*s)+k;
f = expand(fx);
f1 = real(f)
f1 = 

f2 = imag(f)
f2 = 

A = jacobian([f1,f2],[sigma omega])
A =

Omega = 0;
Sigma = solve(det(subs(A, omega, Omega)),sigma)
Sigma =

A2 = subs(f1, {sigma, omega}, {Sigma, Omega})
A2 =

k = arrayfun(@(expr) solve(expr,k), A2)
k =

Tenzing Thiley
on 14 Feb 2022
How do I set condition to print only value of sigma for which k>0?
Walter Roberson
on 14 Feb 2022
mask = imag(k) == 0 & k > 0;
kpos = k(mask)
sigma_kpos = sigma(mask)
Tenzing Thiley
on 14 Feb 2022
error -The logical indices contain a true value outside of the array bounds.
Walter Roberson
on 14 Feb 2022
mask = imag(k) == 0 & k > 0;
kpos = k(mask)
sigma_kpos = Sigma(mask)
Tenzing Thiley
on 14 Feb 2022
Thank you, I am really great full by quick response. Can you fix one of my problem?
Tenzing Thiley
on 14 Feb 2022
I am trying to convert ss2tf() but getting error. I need SISO output such as u(s)/etta(s), alpha(s)/etta(s) , q(s)/etta(s),theta(s)/etta(s),u(s)/delta(s), alpha(s)/delta(s) , q(s)/delta(s), theta(s)/delta(s).
Walter Roberson
on 14 Feb 2022
Never eval() anything symbolic: eval() is not defined for symbolic expressions or functions.
%% Declaration with parameter
I = 205113.07; % kg-m^2
m= 15118.35; % kg
c = 3.511; % m
rho = 1.225; % kg/m^3
Tm = 49817.6; % N
S = 37.16; % m^2
%% Equation of motion(Longitudinal modes)
syms alpha etta delta theta q V
f1 = ((etta*Tm*cos(alpha))/m) - ((0.5*rho*(V^2)*S*((0.0013*alpha^2)-(0.00438*alpha)+0.1423))./m)-(9.81*sin(theta-alpha));
f2 = q-(etta*Tm*sin(alpha)/(m*V))-(0.5*rho*V*S*((0.0751*alpha)+(0.0144*delta)+0.732)/m)+(9.81*cos(theta-alpha)/V);
f3 = (0.5*rho*V^2*S*c*(-0.00437*alpha-0.0196*delta-0.123*q-0.1885)/I);
f4 = q;
%% Linearization
A = jacobian([f1,f2,f3,f4],[V alpha q theta]);
B = jacobian([f1,f2,f3,f4],[etta delta]);
%% Equillibrium
V = 94.5077; %m/s
etta = 0.58;
delta = -0.1678; %rad
theta = 0;
alpha = 0;
q = 0;
%% Evaluate System and Control Matrix
format shortG;
fprintf("State Matrix = ");
State Matrix =
A = double(subs(A))
A = 4×4
-0.040493 9.8689 0 -9.81
-0.0021967 -0.030908 1 0
-0.013639 -0.015207 -0.42801 0
0 0 1 0
fprintf("Control Matrix = ");
Control Matrix =
B = double(subs(B))
B = 4×2
3.2952 0
0 -0.0020488
0 -0.068204
0 0
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
Can you provide me a detail how should I plot a complex graph where I need to use the value of sigma0, poles and sigma1.
clear all;
%% finding roots
syms sigma omega k f real
s = sigma+j*omega;
ch = 'Characteristics Equation = ';
fx = input(ch);
f = expand(fx);
f1 = real(f);
f2 = imag(f);
k = 0;
omega = 0;
poles = solve(subs(f1) == 0)
if (subs(f2)~=0)
A2 = solve(subs(f2) == 0);
%% Finding gain for system to be Marginally Stable
syms sigma omega k f real
disp("System is unstable for value of K = ");
sigma = 0;
G = vpasolve(subs(f1),subs(f2),[omega k]);
omega0 =
k0 = G.k
%% finding Break Away Point
syms sigma omega k f real
disp("Break Away Point");
A = jacobian([f1,f2],[sigma omega]);
Omega = 0;
Sigma = double(solve(det(subs(A, omega, Omega)),sigma));
A2 = subs(f1, {sigma, omega}, {Sigma, Omega});
k = double(arrayfun(@(expr) solve(expr,k), A2));
mask = imag(k) == 0 & k > 0;
kpos = k(mask);
sigma_kpos = Sigma(mask);
k1 = unique(kpos,'rows')
sigma1 = unique(sigma_kpos,'rows')
Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
... Don't use clear? Don't overwrite the variables in the first place?
I cannot test your code without knowing the input expected for fx (have you considered writing a function that takes fx as a parameter instead of using input?)
%% finding roots
syms sigma omega k f real
s = sigma+j*omega;
ch = 'Characteristics Equation = ';
fx = input(ch);
Unable to run the 'fevalJSON' function because it calls the 'input' function, which is not supported for this product offering.
f = expand(fx);
f1 = real(f);
f2 = imag(f);
K = 0;
Omega = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {k, omega}, {K, Omega})
f2subs = subs(f2, {k, omega}, {K, Omega})
A1 = solve(f1subs == 0)
if (subs(f2)~=0)
A2 = solve(f2subs == 0)
%% finding unstable gain
disp("System is unstable for value of K = ");
Sigma = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {k, omega, sigma}, {K, Omega, Sigma})
f2subs = subs(f2, {k, omega, sigma}, {K, Omega, Sigma})
G = vpasolve([f1subs,f2subs],[omega k])
omega =
k = G.k
%% finding point
A = jacobian([f1,f2],[sigma omega]);
Omega = 0;
Sigma = double(solve(det(subs(A, omega, Omega)),sigma));
A2 = subs(f1, {sigma, omega}, {Sigma, Omega})
k = double(arrayfun(@(expr) solve(expr,k), A2))
mask = imag(k) == 0 & k > 0;
kpos = k(mask);
sigma_kpos = Sigma(mask);
k = unique(kpos,'rows')
sigma = unique(sigma_kpos,'rows')
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
%% finding roots
syms sigma omega k f real
s = sigma+j*omega;
fx = s^3+3*s^2+2*s+k;
f = expand(fx);
f1 = real(f);
f2 = imag(f);
k = 0;
omega = 0;
poles = solve(subs(f1) == 0)
if (subs(f2)~=0)
A2 = solve(subs(f2) == 0);
%% Finding gain for system to be Marginally Stable
syms sigma omega k f real
disp("System is unstable for value of K = ");
sigma = 0;
G = vpasolve(subs(f1),subs(f2),[omega k]);
omega0 =
k0 = G.k
%% finding Break Away Point
syms sigma omega k f real
disp("Break Away Point");
A = jacobian([f1,f2],[sigma omega]);
Omega = 0;
Sigma = double(solve(det(subs(A, omega, Omega)),sigma));
A2 = subs(f1, {sigma, omega}, {Sigma, Omega});
k = double(arrayfun(@(expr) solve(expr,k), A2));
mask = imag(k) == 0 & k > 0;
kpos = k(mask);
sigma_kpos = Sigma(mask);
k1 = unique(kpos,'rows')
sigma1 = unique(sigma_kpos,'rows')
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
I want to plot a complex graph between sigma and omega and locate point sigma1,omega0,poles but getting error
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
I treid to use clear K sigma in next code but get error so I overwrite them.
Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
%% finding roots
syms sigma omega k f real
s = sigma+j*omega;
fx = s^3+3*s^2+2*s+k;
f = expand(fx);
f1 = real(f)
f1 = 

f2 = imag(f)
f2 = 

K = 0;
Omega = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {k, omega}, {K, Omega})
f1subs = 

f2subs = subs(f2, {k, omega}, {K, Omega})
f2subs =
poles = solve(f1subs == 0)
poles =

A2 = sym([])
A2 =
[ empty sym ]
if ~isAlways(f2subs == 0, 'Unknown', 'false')
A2 = solve(f2subs == 0)
%% Finding gain for system to be Marginally Stable
disp("System is unstable for value of K = ");
System is unstable for value of K =
Sigma = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {k, omega, sigma}, {K, Omega, Sigma})
f1subs =
f2subs = subs(f2, {k, omega, sigma}, {K, Omega, Sigma})
f2subs =
G = vpasolve( [f1subs, f2subs], [omega k])
G = struct with fields:
omega: 0
k: 0
omega0 =
omega0 =
k0 = G.k
k0 =
%% finding Break Away Point
disp("Break Away Point");
Break Away Point
A = jacobian([f1,f2],[sigma omega]);
Omega = 0;
eigensigma = solve(det(subs(A, omega, Omega)),sigma)
eigensigma =

Sigma = double(eigensigma);
A2 = subs(f1, {sigma, omega}, {Sigma, Omega});
k = double(arrayfun(@(expr) solve(expr,k), A2))
k = 4×1
mask = imag(k) == 0 & k > 0;
kpos = k(mask);
sigma_kpos = Sigma(mask);
k1 = unique(kpos,'rows')
k1 = 0.3849
sigma1 = unique(sigma_kpos,'rows')
sigma1 = -0.4226
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
omega0 and k0 is wrong it should be omega0 =
k0 =
Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
%% finding roots
syms sigma omega k f real
s = sigma+j*omega;
fx = s^3+3*s^2+2*s+k;
f = expand(fx);
f1 = real(f)
f1 = 

f2 = imag(f)
f2 = 

K = 0;
Omega = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {k, omega}, {K, Omega})
f1subs = 

f2subs = subs(f2, {k, omega}, {K, Omega})
f2subs =
poles = solve(f1subs == 0)
poles =

A2 = sym([])
A2 =
[ empty sym ]
if ~isAlways(f2subs == 0, 'Unknown', 'false')
A2 = solve(f2subs == 0)
%% Finding gain for system to be Marginally Stable
disp("System is unstable for value of K = ");
System is unstable for value of K =
Sigma = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {sigma}, {Sigma})
f1subs = 

f2subs = subs(f2, {sigma}, {Sigma})
f2subs = 

G = vpasolve( [f1subs, f2subs], [omega k])
G = struct with fields:
omega: [3×1 sym]
k: [3×1 sym]
omega0 =
omega0 =

k0 = G.k
k0 =

%% finding Break Away Point
disp("Break Away Point");
Break Away Point
A = jacobian([f1,f2],[sigma omega]);
Omega = 0;
eigensigma = solve(det(subs(A, omega, Omega)),sigma)
eigensigma =

Sigma = double(eigensigma);
A2 = subs(f1, {sigma, omega}, {Sigma, Omega});
k = double(arrayfun(@(expr) solve(expr,k), A2))
k = 4×1
mask = imag(k) == 0 & k > 0;
kpos = k(mask);
sigma_kpos = Sigma(mask);
k1 = unique(kpos,'rows')
k1 = 0.3849
sigma1 = unique(sigma_kpos,'rows')
sigma1 = -0.4226
Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
I want to plot a complex graph between sigma and omega and locate point sigma1,omega0,poles but getting error
You have three variables: sigma, omega, and k. Which variable or variables are to be your independent variable(s) ? Which is to be your dependent variable?
You define fx as an equation, but I do not see any definition of omega in terms of sigma (or the other way around) ? I do not presently see how you would solve for omega in terms of sigma, or for sigma in terms of omega, in order to make one of them the dependent variable. As far as I can see at the moment, sigma and omega are both independent variables.
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Graph in complex plane where reult value are
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
only show this points in complex plane where sigma in x and omega in y
Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
Potential independent variables:
- real part of sigma
- imaginary part of sigma
- real part of omega
- imaginary part of omega
- k
That seems to be up to 5 independent variables.
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Like these value we already obtain from the code only need to locate in complex plane
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
more clearer pic
Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
You can use scatter(), and you can use text() if you want to label them.
I notice now that you intend your sigma and omega to be the components of the complex variable s .
But I do not see how k fits into this plot ?
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Yeah I ues it earlier but got some error can you show me how you use scatter to obtain plot
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Also if answer in complex conjugate it is difficlut to distinguish and we do not need to fit K in plane
Walter Roberson
on 15 Feb 2022
x = [poles; sigma1; zeros(numel(omega0),1)];
y = [zeros(numel(poles),1); 0; omega0(:)];
scatter(x, y, 'x')
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Thank You
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
%% finding roots
syms sigma omega k f real
s = sigma+1i*omega;
fx = s^2*(s+3.6)+(k*(s+0.4));
f = expand(fx);
f = expand(fx);
f1 = real(f);
f2 = imag(f);
K = 0;
Omega = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {k, omega}, {K, Omega});
f2subs = subs(f2, {k, omega}, {K, Omega});
K = 0;
Omega = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {k, omega}, {K, Omega});
poles = solve(f1subs == 0);
A2 = sym([]);
if ~isAlways(f2subs == 0, 'Unknown', 'false')
A2 = solve(f2subs == 0);
%% Finding gain for system to be Marginally Stable
disp("System is unstable for value of K = ");
Sigma = 0;
f1subs = subs(f1, {sigma}, {Sigma});
f2subs = subs(f2, {sigma}, {Sigma});
G = vpasolve( [f1subs, f2subs], [omega k]);
k0 = unique(G.k,'rows');
disp("System is unstable for value of omega = ");
omega0 =;
%% finding Break Away Point
A = jacobian([f1,f2],[sigma omega]);
Omega = 0;
eigensigma = solve(det(subs(A, omega, Omega)),sigma);
Sigma = double(eigensigma);
A2 = subs(f1, {sigma, omega}, {Sigma, Omega});
k = double(arrayfun(@(expr) solve(expr,k), A2));
mask = imag(k) == 0 & k > 0;
kpos = k(mask);
sigma_kpos = Sigma(mask);
k1 = unique(kpos,'rows');
disp("Break Away Point");
sigma1 = unique(sigma_kpos,'rows');
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 16 Feb 2022
Error using InputOutputModel/feedback (line 137)
The first and second arguments of the "feedback"
command must have compatible I/O sizes.
A = [-0.040493 9.8689 0 -9.81;
-0.0021967 -0.030908 1 0;
-0.013639 -0.015207 -0.42801 0;
0 0 1 0];
B = [3.2952 0;
0 -0.0020488;
0 -0.068204;
0 0];
C = [1 0 0 0;0 1 0 0;0 0 1 0;0 0 0 1];
D = [0 0;0 0;0 0;0 0];
hzpk = zpk(ss(A,B,C,D))
t = [0:0.01:10];
axis([0 10 0 0.8]);
ylabel('pitch angle (rad)');
title('Open-loop Step Response');
sys_cl = feedback(hzpk,1);
ylabel('pitch angle (rad)');
title('Closed-loop Step Response');
Tenzing Thiley
on 15 Feb 2022
Can you check this I am getting error?
Walter Roberson
on 16 Feb 2022
You are trying to use the "sign" parameter of feedback(). The "sign" parameter can be added after all of the other positional parameters. However, all of the forms of feedback() require that you pass in two different systems.
Tenzing Thiley
on 16 Feb 2022
here instead of step() I want to input ramp() but the function is not working any idea how I use it?
Tenzing Thiley
on 16 Feb 2022
In above I want to use ramp() input instead of step( ) but the code is giving error as unrecognised function.
can you tell me how should I proceed ?
Walter Roberson
on 16 Feb 2022
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 16 Feb 2022
slope = randn()
slope = -0.6418
ramp = @(t) (t >= 0) .* t .* slope
ramp = function_handle with value:
fplot(ramp, [-2 10])

In some cases you want the ramp to start from a different location,
starttime = rand() * 5
starttime = 1.8358
ramp2 = @(t) (t >= starttime) .* (t - starttime) .* slope
ramp2 = function_handle with value:
fplot(ramp2, [-2 10])

Tenzing Thiley
on 16 Feb 2022
But here I have Input hzpk transfer functon
earlier it was easy as step function only require transfer function and time
can you tell me how shoud I proceed with transferfunction as ramp input
Walter Roberson
on 16 Feb 2022
Tenzing Thiley
on 27 Feb 2022
Do you know how should I use tiledlayout for multiple graph in one page as in this cases I am getting error
Error using DynamicSystem/rlocus (line 65)
This functionality is not supported in TiledChartLayout
%root locus
pitch1 = -pitch/(s+10);
v = [-4 4 -4 4]; axis(v)
title('Root-Locus Plot of Pitch displacement Auto pilot]');
xlabel('Real Axis')
ylabel('Imag Axis')
%Bode plot
k = 45;
pitch2 = k*pitch1;
grid on;
title('Bode Plot Pitch of displacement Auto pilot');
sys_cl = feedback(pitch2,1);
step(0.2*sys_cl), grid
ylabel('pitch angle (rad)');
title('Closed-loop Step Response')
Walter Roberson
on 27 Feb 2022
You could try using subplot() instead of tiled layout. However, some of the plots in that toolbox need a complete figure to draw in, because the plots they draw are interactive plots instead of static plots
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