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How to make the y-axis closer from each other when using addaxis ?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi all, It is quite useful for me to use this tool when plotting 7 lines into one graph with 7 y-axis displayed. I am encoutered with one problem, each y-axis is too far away from each other just as what shows on the right side of the figure attached, but I need a much more compact one just as what shows on the left side. I don't know how to set or modify the options of the addaxis function to get a compact y-axis layout, could anyone kindly help me ? Many thanks.
Best regards,

Accepted Answer

Ankit on 21 Mar 2022
Edited: Ankit on 21 Mar 2022
You can change the value of variable "axcompleft" according to your requirement in addaxis.m file (code line: 95) . Default value is 0.12

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