How to read and select data from Excel

4 views (last 30 days)
I have an excel data in the following. How can I select the data from this excel table. For example; how can I select the Cl and Cd values while alpha changes?

Accepted Answer

Mahmoud Ashraf
Mahmoud Ashraf on 27 Mar 2022
t=readtable('Excel file name','Range','size');
Siddharth Bhutiya
Siddharth Bhutiya on 28 Mar 2022
You could read the excel file into a MATLAB table as mentioned above using readtable. Once you have the table, you can use subscripting based on your desired condition to select the appropriate values.
>> t
t =
11×3 table
alpha Ci Cd
_____ _______ ________
0 0.48812 0.44681
0.5 0.97057 0.012023
1 0.56811 0.034271
1.5 0.27397 0.39877
2 0.12908 0.97945
2.5 0.15519 0.54277
3 0.26881 0.91239
3.5 0.43389 0.32416
4 0.3959 0.29052
4.5 0.42525 0.87897
5 0.61439 0.77914
>> t(t.alpha == 3,:) % Select rows where alpha is 3
ans =
1×3 table
alpha Ci Cd
_____ _______ _______
3 0.26881 0.91239
>> t(t.alpha > 2.5,:) % Select rows where alpha is greater than 2.5
ans =
5×3 table
alpha Ci Cd
_____ _______ _______
3 0.26881 0.91239
3.5 0.43389 0.32416
4 0.3959 0.29052
4.5 0.42525 0.87897
5 0.61439 0.77914

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