Dear community,
I have 80 datasets with 5000 datapoints each, that I want to fit a GP to. Is there any good way to parallelize this (HPC user here)?
Initially I would roughly realize this as follows: (it will run inside a batch script)
for i = 1:80
parfeval(p, @fitrgp, 1, X{i}, Y{i}, ...
'OptimizeHyperparameters', 'all',
'Optimizer', 'bayesopt',...
'Verbose', 0,...
'MaxTime', 60*60,...
'Repartition', true,...
'UseParallel', true,...
'Kfold' , 15))
How does the 'Useparallel' option scale? Does it take effect at all if I let it run on a single worker? Is there any way that I can have multiple workers working for one fitrgp evaluation?
Best regards and thank you,
PS: I have up to ~500 cores available and I have up to 4 predictors.