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read text file into matlab

3 views (last 30 days)
Pradeep Sanjeewa
Pradeep Sanjeewa on 27 Jan 2015
Commented: Pradeep Sanjeewa on 27 Jan 2015
How can we read that kind of data set into matlab? I want just the numerical values. May be to a 4x200 matrix

Accepted Answer

Hikaru on 27 Jan 2015
Use textscan.
FID = fopen('iris.txt')
C_data0 = textscan(FID,'%f %f %f %f %s', 200, 'Delimiter',',')
numericVector = cell2mat(C_data0(:,1:4)) %ignores the last column of strings
Pradeep Sanjeewa
Pradeep Sanjeewa on 27 Jan 2015
Thanks a lot. it worked.
Pradeep Sanjeewa
Pradeep Sanjeewa on 27 Jan 2015
How can I get three different data matrices according to the three different classes : Iris-setosa, Iris-versicolor, Iris-virginica ?

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