I have inserted a DropDown Menu (TrialsListDropDown) in my GUI that I am creating with the App designer.
It is initialized in the startupFCN function as follows:
app.TrialsListDropDown.Items = cellstr(strings(5,1));
It is populated when the user selects the path of the file containing the strings to display as follows:
app.TrialsListDropDown.Value = "";
app.TrialsListDropDown.Items = app.CellTrialNames;
app.TrialsListDropDown.ItemsData = app.CellTrialNames;
The strings are correctly displayed in the DropDown Menu.
The selection of a DropDown item is caried out through a callback as follows:
function TrialsListDropDownValueChanged(app, event)
value = app.TrialsListDropDown.Value;
app.SelectedTrial = app.TrialsListDropDown.Value;
So far the above callback contains just the code to extract the selected item and display it.
My problem is that the first DropMenu item cannot be selected. I have to select one of the other items and then go back to the first one.
I understand the callback is only triggered upon Value changed. I deduce the first listed item is by default the selected item.
How can I change this behaviour so that the user can select also the first item right away after the DropDown Menu is populated?
Thank you so much.
Maura (maura.monville@nhs.net)