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Getappdata and Setappdata not working within callback

8 views (last 30 days)
Hi all,
I am having a problem where getappdata (within a callback) is not retrieving all of the information stored with setappdata.
I store the data like this:
setappdata(gcf, 'Subject', Subject)
which reports this (the appropriate data):
name: 'Testeroo'
folder: 'C:\Users\jx2\Dropbox\Cirxb\xg\inducti...'
device: 2
mode: 1
Settings: [1x1 struct]
Audio: [1x1 struct]
but when I getappdata like this
Subject = getappdata(gcf, 'Subject')
within a callback it reports this:
name: 'Testeroo'
folder: 'C:\Users\jx2\Dropbox\xb\Dxg\inducti...' (edited by me)
device: 2
mode: 1
Settings: [1x1 struct]
which is missing the Audio field. Any ideas?
EDIT! Here is more of the code so you guys will have a better chance of understanding. Thanks for all the help so far.
This function is called prior to to pressing a button in a GUIDE GUI.
function initSoundTest(handles)
Subject = getappdata(gcf, 'Subject');
Subject.Audio.maxLevel =max(Subject.Settings.sound.max_K, Subject.Settings.sound.max_B);
Subject.Audio.minLevel =min(Subject.Settings.sound.min_K, Subject.Settings.sound.min_B);
setappdata(gcf, 'Subject', Subject)
Subject.Audio.audioTimer = timer('TimerFcn', {@PlayAudio,gcf}, 'Period', ...
1, 'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate', 'BusyMode', 'queue');
set(handles.editMinLevel, 'String', num2str(min(Subject.Settings.sound.min_K, Subject.Settings.sound.min_B)))
set(handles.slMinLevel, 'Value', min(Subject.Settings.sound.min_K, Subject.Settings.sound.min_B))
setappdata(gcf, 'Subject', Subject)
The result of those disps:
name: 'Testeroo'
folder: 'C:\Users\jaw772\Dropbox\Circadian Lab\Dixon winning\inducti...'
device: 0
mode: 1
Settings: [1x1 struct]
Audio: [1x1 struct]
Figure (figure1) with properties:
Number: []
Name: 'SetupWizard'
Color: [0.9400 0.9400 0.9400]
Position: [135.6000 45 74.8000 30]
Units: 'characters'
Use get to show all properties
The part of the code that is called when a button is pressed AFTER that function is called (usually immediately after):
function tbMinTest_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to tbMinTest (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
button_state = get(hObject,'Value');
Subject = getappdata(gcf, 'Subject');
if button_state == get(hObject,'Max')
Subject.Audio.currentLevels = 'Min'; %%max or min??
elseif button_state == get(hObject,'Min')
setappdata(gcf, 'Subject', Subject)
NOTE: This causes an error! "the timer doesn't exist" basically.
The result of the disps and the unsuppressed output:
name: 'Testeroo'
folder: 'C:\Users\jaw772\Dropbox\Circadian Lab\Dixon winning\inducti...'
device: 0
mode: 1
Settings: [1x1 struct]
Figure (figure1) with properties:
Number: []
Name: 'SetupWizard'
Color: [0.9400 0.9400 0.9400]
Position: [135.6000 45 74.8000 30]
Units: 'characters'
Use get to show all properties
ans =
currentLevels: 'Min'
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Feb 2015
What did you do differently this time? Despite you saying that the audio field is there, now it is not. Did you just make a copy and paste error?
TREDWISE on 4 Feb 2015
Yes this is the problem. and no. I'll edit it to add more information.

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Feb 2015
Saving it to the gcf doesn't save it. Use 0 instead. See the following code. Uncomment the gcf getappdata/setappdata lines if you want to see that gcf does not work. The code now has 0 instead of gcf and it works.
function test1
h = figure;
plot(1:10); = 'Testeroo';
Subject.folder = 'C:\Users\jx2\Dropbox\Cirxb\xg\inducti...';
Subject.device = 2;
Subject.mode = 1;
Settings.fielda = 4;
Subject.Settings = Settings;
a.field1 = 1;
Subject.Audio = a;
% Print to command line
% Store in appdata of the figure.
% setappdata(gsf, 'Subject', Subject) % Doesn't work
setappdata(0, 'Subject', Subject)
gcf % Print handle to window - must stop in debugger to see if Subject is attached.
% It's not.
% Now call GetStructure() and see what it is inside there
s = GetStructure();
% It's null if you use gcf but not if you use 0
function Subject = GetStructure()
gcf % Print handle to window
Subject = getappdata(0, 'Subject')
TREDWISE on 4 Feb 2015
The other commenter said that. And after reviewing things a bit it looks like it was a combination of a logical error on my part and some kind of garbage collection issue in matlab. (maybe too much data stored too far down the list???)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Feb 2015
Oh, sorry didn't see that because it was collapsed. It's strange though how it would have some of the fields but not all of them. I guess I'd need to code to check, but it sounds like it's a moot point because you have it solved now.

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