csapi with multiple consecutive coordinates

3 views (last 30 days)
Pelajar UM
Pelajar UM on 25 Aug 2022
Answered: Abhaya on 30 Sep 2024
My x,y data is in the following format. Basically I have separate lines, but all the x and y are in the same array.
0 -15.6434352099231
0.0993194000787092 -16.0154142771549
0.198638800157418 -16.1980660624796
0.292335074968857 -16.0367986149356
0.386031344158518 -15.6270128679105
0.479727618969956 -15.3230394016863
0.579047019048666 -15.3221427866024
0.678426923997697 -15.4457363459043
0.777806828946728 -15.5349466895620
0.851871220779107 -15.8151654343951
0.925935608167622 -16.0956878582673
1 -16.1980660624796
0 -15.3365041384341
0.0993194000787092 -14.8688490307282
0.198638800157418 -14.5851836920701
0.292335074968857 -14.7051627633113
0.386031344158518 -14.9423031670397
0.479727618969956 -14.9377721995851
0.579047019048666 -14.9270476491485
0.678426923997697 -15.1172369876827
0.777806828946728 -15.2044753223834
0.851871220779107 -14.9222557245268
0.925935608167622 -14.6532254842178
1 -14.5851836920701
When I try to plot the spline, the results do not make much sense:
cs = csapi(X,Y);

Answers (1)

Abhaya on 30 Sep 2024
Hi Pelajar,
The MATLAB csapi function is used to generate a spline from given x and y coordinates, and the resulting spline can be visualized in the attached graph.
According to the data provided by you, there are two y-values for each x-point. In this scenario, the function optimizes the curve by averaging the two y-values to plot the spline.
The black dots in the graph represent the average of the two y-values for each x-point.
For more information on MATLAB ‘csapi’ function, please follow the MATLAB documentation.
Hope it resolves your query.


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