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The Premultiply Convention in Geometric Transformations does not support C/C++ code generation?

3 views (last 30 days)
Since version R2022b, the Premultiply Convention has been recommended in priority in Geometric Transformations in the IPL(image processing toolbox) and CVT(computer vision toolbox) toolboxes, which is very much in line with industry usage. However, it is strange that some of the recommended new functions do not support C/C++ code generation, while the old ones do. For example, affinetform2d/affinetform3d do not support this, while the old functions affine2d/affine3d support C/C++ code generation. rigidtform2d/rigidtform3d should also support C/C++ generation, as this geometric transformation is very basic and typical. It is hoped that subsequent versions of TMW will enhance this function.

Accepted Answer

Qu Cao
Qu Cao on 17 Oct 2022
Thank you for reporting this. There is a bug in the documentation. All the geometric transformation objects with the premultiply convention should support C/C++ code generation.
cui,xingxing on 18 Oct 2022
Edited: cui,xingxing on 18 Oct 2022
  • As a side note, I have found that some apps have not yet migrated to pre-multiply, for example, after aligning two images in registrationEstimator, the automatically exported functions or variables still use the post-multiply form.This is a minor issue, just be aware of it
  • The formula in the Algorithms section at the bottom of the help documentation for the function estimateCameraParameters should also be changed to pre-multiply.

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More Answers (1)

Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson on 10 Oct 2022
This is just a notational thing right? Why would it affect how the code is generated and executed? The code generation and execution processes should generate the most efficient code possible.

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