I'm tryinjg to build a network that will learn how to generate a single image from a collection of images. For example, I have sets of 200 x 100 pixel images (grey scale) each collected into sets of ten images and I want the network to learn how to generate a single image using those 10 images as input over multiple set.
set 1, 10 images, 200 x 100 pixels, desired image 1
set 2, 10 images, 200 x 100 pixels, desired image 2
set 3.......
I have the data sorted out, but I don't know how to format it to satisfy the trainNetwork funtion. I've been trying various permuation of image stacks, but haven't gotten this to work. My code is below. The data is a collection of images and the "truth" data is a single image for each collection of input images.
% format the training evaluation data
formatted_train_evaluation = reshape(train_evaluation, [[] [] [] number_of_train_observations 1] );
formatted_train_evaluation = categorical(formatted_train_evaluation);
% format the test data
% each row is an single observation of data points
[number_of_test_observations, images_in_stack, rows, cols] = size(test_data);
% format the test data to height, width, data depth, number of
% rearrange the data the training data to height, width, number of frames, number
% of data sets
formatted_test_data = permute(test_data, [3, 4, 2, 1]);
% format the test data to height, width, number of frames, color
% depth, number of data sets
formatted_test_data = reshape(test_data, [rows, cols, images_in_stack 1 number_of_test_observations]);
% format the test evaluation data
formatted_test_evaluation = reshape(test_evaluation, [[] [] [] number_of_test_observations 1] );
formatted_test_evaluation = categorical(formatted_test_evaluation);
layers = [
image3dInputLayer([rows cols images_in_stack 1])
convolution3dLayer([5 5 5], 25, 'Stride', [1 1 1], 'Padding','same')
convolution3dLayer([5 5 5], 25, Stride = [1 1 1], Padding = 'same')
fullyConnectedLayer(20, name= "fully connected layer 1")
tanhLayer(name="tanh layer 4")
% last layer is number of possible outcomes
options = trainingOptions('sgdm', ...
'InitialLearnRate',0.001, ...
'MaxEpochs', 10, ...
'MiniBatchSize', 20, ...
'ValidationData',{formatted_test_data, formatted_test_evaluation}, ...
'ValidationFrequency',30, ...
'Shuffle','every-epoch', ...
'Verbose',false, ...
[net, info] = trainNetwork(formatted_train_data, formatted_train_evaluation, layers, options);