how do i use matlab to track an object which is clicked on screen by the user???

1 view (last 30 days)
im making a robot (arduino microcontroller and xbee communication)....the robot has a wireless camera which gives a live video feed which is acquired in matlab....the objective of the robot is to track the clicked object(mouseclick) , design the safest path to the object avoiding obstacles ,and finally reach the object......i need help in localizing the clicked object and obtaining a path to it????.....and should i necesserily use stereo cameras????

Answers (1)

Aaron Becker
Aaron Becker on 8 Apr 2015
This problem isn't fully defined. Let's assume that you are trying to track a colored ball visible in the image and on the ground, and that your robot is a wheeled robot moving on a flat floor.
Start with ginput(1) to get the mouse click, then (perhaps) use blob detection matlab-code-for-background-subtraction-and-blob-detection to detect the object near the mouse click. A filter in HSV or RGB colorspace works well for this.
If your robot has range sensors (IR or Ultrasonic or a Kinect), you should design a simple wall-following routine to avoid crashing into obstacles, and switch behaviors from MoveToObject to AvoidWall whenever a wall is detected.

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