Adding one signal to an existing bus without nesting or unfolding

31 views (last 30 days)
What I want to do is pretty simple: add a signal to an existing bus.
But: Putting an existing bus and the respective signal in a bus creator results in nested bus signals and inconsistent names across the model.
One messy way: unfold the existing bus with n signals in a bus selector, put the additional signal and the n signals in an n+1 size buscreator.
A complicated way: initially create the bus with all signals and put in dummy values, then use the bus assignment block.
Shouldn't there be an easier way?

Answers (1)

AutoEng on 18 Aug 2020
I know it's necroposting, but in 2020 I still missing feature to uppend existing virtual bus with new signals, forming a new virtual bus.
For myself, based on this answer, I have created a dynamic masked subsystem which do a "messy way" from the question automatically.
But my block needs ctrl-D to update what is not so convenient to do each time.
Probably a better way exists. So any enchancements are highly appreciated!


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