
1 view (last 30 days)
Ren Okumura
Ren Okumura on 31 Oct 2022
Commented: Ren Okumura on 2 Nov 2022
Ren Okumura
Ren Okumura on 1 Nov 2022
Moved: Atsushi Ueno on 1 Nov 2022
Atsushi Ueno
Atsushi Ueno on 1 Nov 2022

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Accepted Answer

Atsushi Ueno
Atsushi Ueno on 1 Nov 2022
⇒はい、augmentedImageDatastore に ラベル情報は存在します。それはprivate属性の為ワークスペースに表示されません。augmentedImageDatastore の read 関数により取得する事が出来ます。
[XTrain,YTrain] = digitTrain4DArrayData; % XTrainは手書き文字5000枚、YTrainはラベル情報
augimds = augmentedImageDatastore([28 28 1],XTrain,YTrain) % augimdsのプロパティにラベル情報は無い(見えない)
augimds =
augmentedImageDatastore with properties: NumObservations: 5000 MiniBatchSize: 128 DataAugmentation: 'none' ColorPreprocessing: 'none' OutputSize: [28 28] OutputSizeMode: 'resize' DispatchInBackground: 0
read(augimds) % Read関数でラベル情報(response:この例は手書き文字画像の種類)が得られた
ans = 128×2 table
input response ______________ ________ {28×28 double} 3 {28×28 double} 3 {28×28 double} 7 {28×28 double} 7 {28×28 double} 7 {28×28 double} 7 {28×28 double} 9 {28×28 double} 9 {28×28 double} 7 {28×28 double} 7 {28×28 double} 3 {28×28 double} 9 {28×28 double} 9 {28×28 double} 7 {28×28 double} 3 {28×28 double} 7
Atsushi Ueno
Atsushi Ueno on 1 Nov 2022
type augmentedImageDatastore.m
% augmentedImageDatastore Generate batches of augmented image data % % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(outputSize,imds) returns an % augmentedImageDatastore. outputSize is a two element vector which % specifies the output image size in the form [outputWidth, % outputHeight]. imds is an imageDatastore. % % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(outputSize,X,Y) returns an % augmentedImageDatastore given arrays X and Y that define examples and % corresponding responses. % % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(outputSize,X) returns an augmentedImageDatastore % given an input array X that defines examples. % % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(outputSize,tbl) returns a % an augmentedImageDatastore given a tbl which contains predictors in the % first column as either absolute or relative image paths or images. % If responses are specified, responses must be in the second column as % categorical labels for the images. In a regression problem, responses % must be in the second column as either vectors or cell arrays containing % 3-D arrays or in multiple columns as scalars. % % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(outputSize,tbl, responseName,___) % returns an augmentedImageDatastore which yields predictors and responses. % tbl is a MATLAB table. responseName is a character vector specifying % the name of the variable in tbl that contains the responses. % % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(outputSize,tbl,responseNames,___) returns % an augmentedImageDatastore for use in multi-output regression problems. % tbl is a MATLAB table. responseNames is a cell array of character % vectors specifying the names of the variables in tbl that contain the % responses. % % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(___,Name,Value) returns an % augmentedImageDatastore using Name/Value pairs to configure % image-preprocessing options. % % Parameters include: % % 'ColorPreprocessing' A scalar string or character vector specifying % color channel pre-processing. This option can % be used when you have a training set that % contains both color and grayscale image data % and you need data created by the datastore to % be strictly color or grayscale. Options are: % 'gray2rgb','rgb2gray','none'. For example, if % you need to train a network that expects color % images but some of the images in your training % set are grayscale, then specifying the option % 'gray2rgb' will replicate the color channels of % the grayscale images in the input image set to % create MxNx3 output images. % % Default: 'none' % % 'DataAugmentation' A scalar imageDataAugmenter object, string, or % character array that specifies % the kinds of image data augmentation that will % be applied to generated images. % % Default: 'none' % % 'DispatchInBackground' Accelerate image augmentation by asyncronously % reading, augmenting, and queueing augmented % images for use in training. Requires Parallel % Computing Toolbox. % % Default: false % % 'OutputSizeMode' A scalar string or character vector specifying the % technique used to adjust image sizes to the % specified 'OutputSize'. Options are: 'resize', % 'centercrop', 'randcrop'. % % Default: 'resize' % % augmentedImageDatastore Properties: % % ColorPreprocessing - Defines color channel manipulation % DataAugmentation - Defines data augmentation used % DispatchInBackground - Whether background dispatch is used % MiniBatchSize - Number of images returned in each read % NumObservations - Total number of images in an epoch % OutputSize - Vector of [width,height] of output images % OutputSizeMode - Method used to resize output images % % augmentedImageDatastore Methods: % % augmentedImageDatastore - Construct an augmentedImageDatastore % hasdata - Returns true if there is more data in the datastore % partitionByIndex - Partitions an augmentedImageDatastore given indices % partition - Returns a new datastore that represents a single % partitioned portion of the original datastore % numpartitions - Returns an estimate for a reasonable number of % partitions to use with the partition function, % according to the total data size % subset - Subsets the datastore according to the specified % file indices % preview - Reads the first image from the datastore % read - Reads a MiniBatch of data from the datastore % readall - Reads all observations from the datastore % readByIndex - Random access read from datastore given indices % reset - Resets datastore to the start of the data % shuffle - Shuffles the observations in the datastore % transform - Create an altered form of the current datastore by % specifying a function handle that will execute % after read on the current datastore. % combine - Create a new datastore that horizontally % concatenates the result of read from two or more % input datastores. % % Example 1 % --------- % Train a convolutional neural network on some synthetic images of % handwritten digits. Apply random rotations during training to add % rotation invariance to trained network. % % [XTrain, YTrain] = digitTrain4DArrayData; % % imageSize = [28 28 1]; % % layers = [ ... % imageInputLayer(imageSize, 'Normalization', 'none'); % convolution2dLayer(5,20); % reluLayer(); % maxPooling2dLayer(2,'Stride',2); % fullyConnectedLayer(10); % softmaxLayer(); % classificationLayer()]; % % opts = trainingOptions('sgdm', 'Plots', 'training-progress'); % % imageAugmenter = imageDataAugmenter('RandRotation',[-10 10]); % % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(imageSize,XTrain,YTrain,'DataAugmentation',imageAugmenter); % % net = trainNetwork(ds, layers, opts); % % Example 2 % --------- % Resize all images in imageDatastore during inference to the required % size of the inputImageLayer of alexnet. % % net = alexnet; % imds = imageDatastore(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','imagesci','peppers.png')); % imds.Files = repelem(imds.Files,5,1); % ds = augmentedImageDatastore(net.Layers(1).InputSize(1:2),imds); % Ypred = classify(net,ds) % See also imageDataAugmenter, imageInputLayer, trainNetwork % Copyright 2017-2022 The MathWorks, Inc. classdef augmentedImageDatastore <... &... &... &... &... &... &... matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay &... matlab.mixin.Copyable properties (SetAccess = protected, Dependent) %NumObservations - Number of observations % % The number of observations in the datastore. NumObservations %Files - Contained files in Datastore % % Cell array of character vectors of image files. Files end properties (Dependent) %AlternativeFileSystemRoots % % Alternate file system root paths for the Files. AlternateFileSystemRoots %MiniBatchSize - MiniBatch Size % % The number of observations returned as rows in the table % returned by the read method. MiniBatchSize end properties (Access = private) DatastoreInternal ImageAugmenter end properties (SetAccess = private) %DataAugmentation - Augmentation applied to input images % % DataAugmentation is a scalar imageDataAugmenter object or a % character vector or string. When DataAugmentation is 'none' % no augmentation is applied to input images. DataAugmentation %ColorPreprocessing - Pre-processing of input image color channels % % ColorPreprocessing is a character vector or string specifying % pre-proprocessing operations performed on color channels of % input images. This property is used to ensure that all output % images from the datastore have the number of color channels % required by inputImageLayer. Valid values are % 'gray2rgb','rgb2gray', and 'none'. If an input images already % has the desired number of color channels, no operation is % performed. For example, if 'gray2rgb' is specified and an % input image already has 3 channels, no operation is performed. ColorPreprocessing %OutputSize - Size of output images % % OutputSize is a two element numeric vector of the form % [numRows, numColumns] that specifies the size of output images % returned by augmentedImageDatastore. OutputSize %OutputSizeMode - Method used to resize output images. % % OutputSizeMode is a character vector or string specifying the % method used to resize output images to the requested % OutputSize. Valid values are 'centercrop', 'randcrop', and % 'resize' (default). OutputSizeMode end properties (Access = private) OutputRowsColsChannels % The expected output image size [numRows, numCols, numChannels]. end methods(Access = protected) % Override copyElement method: function cpObj = copyElement(obj) cpObj = copyElement@matlab.mixin.Copyable(obj); % Make a deep copy of the underlying Datastore cpObj.DatastoreInternal = copy(obj.DatastoreInternal); end end methods function self = augmentedImageDatastore(varargin) narginchk(2,inf) inputs = self.parseInputs(varargin{:}); if self.NumObservations > 0 self.ImageAugmenter = inputs.DataAugmentation; self.DispatchInBackground = inputs.DispatchInBackground; reset(self.DatastoreInternal); end end function set.MiniBatchSize(self,batchSize) self.DatastoreInternal.MiniBatchSize = batchSize; end function batchSize = get.MiniBatchSize(self) batchSize = self.DatastoreInternal.MiniBatchSize; end function files = get.Files(self) if isa(self.DatastoreInternal,'nnet.internal.cnn.datastore.ImageDatastoreMiniBatchDatastore') files = self.DatastoreInternal.imds.Files; else files = {}; end end function altRoots = get.AlternateFileSystemRoots(self) if isa(self.DatastoreInternal,'nnet.internal.cnn.datastore.ImageDatastoreMiniBatchDatastore') altRoots = self.DatastoreInternal.imds.AlternateFileSystemRoots; else altRoots = {}; end end function set.AlternateFileSystemRoots(self,newRoots) if isa(self.DatastoreInternal,'nnet.internal.cnn.datastore.ImageDatastoreMiniBatchDatastore') self.DatastoreInternal.imds.AlternateFileSystemRoots = newRoots; else error(message('nnet_cnn:augmentedImageDatastore:invalidSetAltRoot')); end end function numObs = get.NumObservations(self) numObs = self.DatastoreInternal.NumObservations; end end methods function reset(self) self.DatastoreInternal.reset(); end function [data,info] = readByIndex(self,indices) [input,info] = self.DatastoreInternal.readByIndex(indices); input = self.applyAugmentationPipelineToBatch(input); [data,info] = iConvertDatastoreOutputToTable(input,info); end function [data,info] = read(self) if ~self.hasdata() error(message('nnet_cnn:augmentedImageDatastore:outOfData')); end [input,info] =; input = self.applyAugmentationPipelineToBatch(input); [data,info] = iConvertDatastoreOutputToTable(input,info); end function TF = hasdata(self) TF = hasdata(self.DatastoreInternal); end function newds = partitionByIndex(self,indices) newds = copy(self); newds.DatastoreInternal = partitionByIndex(self.DatastoreInternal,indices); end function newds = subset(self,indices) newds = partitionByIndex(self,indices); end function n = numobservations(self) n = self.NumObservations; end end methods (Hidden) % Reorder is an undocumented interface for doing in place shuffling % without a copy. function reorder(self,indices) self.DatastoreInternal.reorder(indices); end function frac = progress(self) frac = progress(self.DatastoreInternal); end end methods (Access = private) function determineExpectedOutputSize(self,X) % If a user specifies a ColorPreprocessing option, we know the % number of channels to expect in each mini-batch. If they % don't specify a ColorPreprocessing option, we need to look at % an example from the underlying datastore and assume all % images will have a consistent number of channels when forming % mini-batches. if strcmp(self.ColorPreprocessing,'rgb2gray') self.OutputRowsColsChannels = [self.OutputSize,1]; elseif strcmp(self.ColorPreprocessing,'gray2rgb') self.OutputRowsColsChannels = [self.OutputSize,3]; elseif strcmp(self.ColorPreprocessing,'none') if iscell(X) X = X{1}; end exampleNumChannels = size(X,3); self.OutputRowsColsChannels = [self.OutputSize,exampleNumChannels]; else assert(false,'Unexpected ColorPreprocessing option.'); end end function Xout = applyAugmentationPipelineToBatch(self,X) if iscell(X) Xout = cellfun(@(c) self.applyAugmentationPipeline(c),X,'UniformOutput',false); else batchSize = size(X,4); Xout = cell(batchSize,1); for obs = 1:batchSize temp = self.preprocessColor(X(:,:,:,obs)); temp = self.augmentData(temp); Xout{obs} = self.resizeData(temp); end end end function Xout = applyAugmentationPipeline(self,X) if isempty(self.OutputRowsColsChannels) self.determineExpectedOutputSize(X); end if isequal(self.ColorPreprocessing,'none') && (size(X,3) ~= self.OutputRowsColsChannels(3)) error(message('nnet_cnn:augmentedImageDatastore:mismatchedNumberOfChannels','''ColorPreprocessing''')); end temp = self.preprocessColor(X); temp = self.augmentData(temp); Xout = self.resizeData(temp); end function miniBatchData = augmentData(self,miniBatchData) if ~strcmp(self.DataAugmentation,'none') miniBatchData = self.ImageAugmenter.augment(miniBatchData); end end function Xout = resizeData(self,X) inputSize = size(X); if isequal(inputSize(1:2),self.OutputSize) Xout = X; % no-op if X is already desired Outputsize return end if strcmp(self.OutputSizeMode,'resize') Xout = augmentedImageDatastore.resizeImage(X,self.OutputSize); elseif strcmp(self.OutputSizeMode,'centercrop') Xout = augmentedImageDatastore.centerCrop(X,self.OutputSize); elseif strcmp(self.OutputSizeMode,'randcrop') Xout = augmentedImageDatastore.randCrop(X,self.OutputSize); end end function Xout = preprocessColor(self,X) if strcmp(self.ColorPreprocessing,'rgb2gray') Xout = convertRGBToGrayscale(X); elseif strcmp(self.ColorPreprocessing,'gray2rgb') Xout = convertGrayscaleToRGB(X); elseif strcmp(self.ColorPreprocessing,'none') Xout = X; end end end methods (Access = 'protected') function groups = getPropertyGroups(self) groups = getPropertyGroups@matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay(self); if ~isa(self.DatastoreInternal,'nnet.internal.cnn.datastore.ImageDatastoreMiniBatchDatastore') % Don't display Files or AlternativeFileSystemRoots if the % underlying data was not specified as an ImageDatastore. currentStruct = groups.PropertyList; newStruct = rmfield(currentStruct,'Files'); newStruct = rmfield(newStruct,'AlternateFileSystemRoots'); groups = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(newStruct); end end end methods (Access = 'private') function inputStruct = parseInputs(self,varargin) p = inputParser(); p.addRequired('outputSize',@outputSizeValidator); p.addRequired('X'); p.addOptional('Y',[]); p.addParameter('DataAugmentation','none',@augmentationValidator); colorPreprocessing = 'none'; p.addParameter('ColorPreprocessing','none',@colorPreprocessingValidator); outputSizeMode = 'resize'; p.addParameter('OutputSizeMode','resize',@outputSizeModeValidator); backgroundExecutionValidator = @(TF) validateattributes(TF,... {'numeric','logical'},{'scalar','real'},mfilename,'BackgroundExecution'); p.addParameter('DispatchInBackground',false,backgroundExecutionValidator); p.addParameter('BackgroundExecution',false,backgroundExecutionValidator); responseNames = []; if (istable(varargin{2}) && ~isempty(varargin{2})) tbl = varargin{2}; if (length(varargin) > 2) && (ischar(varargin{3}) || isstring(varargin{3}) || iscellstr(varargin{3})) if checkValidResponseNames(varargin{3},tbl) responseNames = varargin{3}; varargin(3) = []; end end end p.parse(varargin{:}); inputStruct = manageDispatchInBackgroundNameValue(p); self.DataAugmentation = inputStruct.DataAugmentation; self.OutputSize = inputStruct.outputSize(1:2); self.OutputSizeMode = outputSizeMode; self.ColorPreprocessing = colorPreprocessing; % Check if Y was specified for table or imageDatastore inputs. propertiesWithDefaultValues = string(p.UsingDefaults); if (isa(inputStruct.X,'') || isa(inputStruct.X,'table')) && ~any(propertiesWithDefaultValues == "Y") error(message('nnet_cnn:augmentedImageDatastore:invalidYSpecification',class(inputStruct.X))); end if ~isempty(responseNames) inputStruct.X = selectResponsesFromTable(inputStruct.X,responseNames); inputStruct.Y = responseNames; end % Validate numeric inputs if isnumeric(inputStruct.X) || iscategorical(inputStruct.X) || islogical(inputStruct.X) validateattributes(inputStruct.X,{'single','double','logical','categorical','uint8','int8','uint16','int16','uint32','int32'},... {'nonsparse','real'},mfilename,'X'); validateattributes(inputStruct.Y,{'single','double','logical','categorical','uint8','int8','uint16','int16','uint32','int32','categorical'},... {'nonsparse'},mfilename,'Y'); if ~isempty(inputStruct.Y) if iscategorical(inputStruct.Y) if ~isvector(inputStruct.Y) error(message('nnet_cnn:augmentedImageDatastore:InvalidClassificationResponse')) else % Make sure responses are stored as column % vectors inputStruct.Y = inputStruct.Y(:); end end end end try self.DatastoreInternal = nnet.internal.cnn.datastore.MiniBatchDatastoreFactory.createMiniBatchDatastore(... inputStruct.X ,inputStruct.Y, inputStruct.outputSize); catch ME throwAsCaller(ME); end function TF = colorPreprocessingValidator(sIn) colorPreprocessing = validatestring(sIn,{'none','rgb2gray','gray2rgb'},... mfilename,'ColorPreprocessing'); TF = true; end function TF = outputSizeModeValidator(sIn) outputSizeMode = validatestring(sIn,... {'resize','centercrop','randcrop'},mfilename,'OutputSizeMode'); TF = true; end function TF = outputSizeValidator(sizeIn) validateattributes(sizeIn,... {'numeric'},{'vector','integer','finite','nonsparse','real','positive'},mfilename,'OutputSize'); if (numel(sizeIn) ~= 2) && (numel(sizeIn) ~=3) error(message('nnet_cnn:augmentedImageDatastore:invalidOutputSize')); end TF = true; end end end methods(Static, Hidden = true) function self = loadobj(S) self = augmentedImageDatastore(S.OutputSize,S.DatasourceInternal,... 'DispatchInBackground',S.BackgroundExecution,... 'ColorPreprocessing',S.ColorPreprocessing,... 'DataAugmentation',S.DataAugmentation,... 'OutputSizeMode',S.OutputSizeMode); if isfield(S,'MiniBatchSize') self.MiniBatchSize = S.MiniBatchSize; else self.MiniBatchSize = 128; end end end methods (Hidden) function S = saveobj(self) S = struct('BackgroundExecution',self.DispatchInBackground,... 'ColorPreprocessing',self.ColorPreprocessing,... 'DataAugmentation',self.DataAugmentation,... 'OutputSize',self.OutputSize,... 'OutputSizeMode',self.OutputSizeMode,... 'DatasourceInternal',self.DatastoreInternal,... 'MiniBatchSize',self.MiniBatchSize); end end methods (Hidden, Static) function imOut = resizeImage(im,outputSize) classIn = class(im); interpMethod = 'linear'; if isa(im,'categorical') cats = categories(im); im = single(im); interpMethod = 'nearest'; elseif islogical(im) im = uint8(im); interpMethod = 'nearest'; end ippResizeSupportedWithCast = isa(im,'int8') || isa(im,'uint16') || isa(im,'int16'); ippResizeSupportedForType = isa(im,'uint8') || isa(im,'single'); ippResizeSupported = ippResizeSupportedWithCast || ippResizeSupportedForType; if ippResizeSupportedWithCast im = single(im); end if ippResizeSupported imOut = nnet.internal.cnnhost.resizeImage2D(im,outputSize,interpMethod,true); else if string(interpMethod) == "linear" interpMethod = 'bilinear'; end imOut = imresize(single(im),'OutputSize',outputSize,'Method',interpMethod); end classIn = string(classIn); if classIn == "categorical" imOut = categorical(imOut,1:numel(cats),cats); elseif classIn == "logical" imOut = logical(imOut); end end function im = centerCrop(im,outputSize) sizeInput = size(im); if any(sizeInput(1:2) < outputSize) error(message('nnet_cnn:augmentedImageDatastore:invalidCropOutputSize','''OutputSizeMode''',mfilename, '''centercrop''','''OutputSize''')); end x = (size(im,2) - outputSize(2)) / 2; y = (size(im,1) - outputSize(1)) / 2; im = augmentedImageDatastore.crop(im,... [x y, outputSize(2), outputSize(1)]); end function rect = randCropRect(im,outputSize) x = randi([1, min(size(im,2),max(1,size(im,2)-outputSize(2)))]); y = randi([1, min(size(im,1),max(1,size(im,1)-outputSize(1)))]); rect = [x y outputSize(2), outputSize(1)]; end function rect = randCropCuboid(im,outputSize) x = randi([1, min(size(im,2),max(1,size(im,2)-outputSize(2)))]); y = randi([1, min(size(im,1),max(1,size(im,1)-outputSize(1)))]); z = randi([1, min(size(im,3),max(1,size(im,3)-outputSize(3)))]); rect = [x y z outputSize(2), outputSize(1), outputSize(3)]; end function im = randCrop(im,outputSize) sizeInput = size(im); if any(sizeInput(1:2) < outputSize) error(message('nnet_cnn:augmentedImageDatastore:invalidCropOutputSize','''OutputSizeMode''',mfilename, '''randcrop''','''OutputSize''')); end rect = augmentedImageDatastore.randCropRect(im,outputSize); im = augmentedImageDatastore.cropGivenDiscreteValuedRect(im,rect); end function B = cropGivenDiscreteValuedRect(A,rect) rowStart = rect(2); rowEnd = rowStart + rect(4) - 1; colStart = rect(1); colEnd = colStart + rect(3) - 1; B = A(rowStart:rowEnd,colStart:colEnd,:); end function B = cropGivenDiscreteValuedCuboid(A,cuboid) rowStart = cuboid(2); rowEnd = rowStart + cuboid(5) - 1; colStart = cuboid(1); colEnd = colStart + cuboid(4) - 1; depthStart = cuboid(3); depthEnd = depthStart + cuboid(6) - 1; B = A(rowStart:rowEnd,colStart:colEnd,depthStart:depthEnd,:); end function B = crop(A,rect) % rect is [x y width height] in floating point. % Convert from (x,y) real coordinates to [m,n] indices. rect = floor(rect); m1 = rect(2) + 1; m2 = rect(2) + rect(4); n1 = rect(1) + 1; n2 = rect(1) + rect(3); m1 = min(size(A,1),max(1,m1)); m2 = min(size(A,1),max(1,m2)); n1 = min(size(A,2),max(1,n1)); n2 = min(size(A,2),max(1,n2)); B = A(m1:m2, n1:n2, :, :); end end end function TF = checkValidResponseNames(responseNames, tbl) % iAssertValidResponseNames Assert that the response names are variables % of the table and they do not refer to the first column. variableNames = tbl.Properties.VariableNames; refersToFirstColumn = ismember( variableNames(1), responseNames ); responseNamesAreAllVariables = all( ismember(responseNames,variableNames) ); TF = ~(refersToFirstColumn || ~responseNamesAreAllVariables); end function resTbl = selectResponsesFromTable(tbl, responseNames) % iSelectResponsesFromTable Return a new table with only the first column % (predictors) and the variables specified in responseNames. variableNames = tbl.Properties.VariableNames; varTF = ismember(variableNames, responseNames); % Make sure to select predictors (first column) as well varTF(1) = 1; resTbl = tbl(:,varTF); end function TF = augmentationValidator(valIn) if ischar(valIn) || isstring(valIn) TF = string('none').contains(lower(valIn)); %#ok<STRQUOT> elseif isa(valIn,'imageDataAugmenter') && isscalar(valIn) TF = true; else TF = false; end end function im = convertRGBToGrayscale(im) if (ndims(im) == 3 && size(im,3) == 3) im = rgb2gray(im); end end function im = convertGrayscaleToRGB(im) if size(im,3) == 1 im = repmat(im,[1 1 3]); end end function c = iFormatResponse(X) % Format the responses. If the responses were numeric, return as a cell % array with each observation in a cell. if isnumeric(X) if isvector(X) % Put each element in a cell c = num2cell(X); else % Always assume that the observation dimension is 4 obsDim = 4; % Put each observation in a cell c = num2cell(X,1:(obsDim-1)); end % Force c as column. c = c(:); else % Response is already a cell or categorical. c = X; end end function [data,info] = iConvertDatastoreOutputToTable(input,info) % Process the output of the datastore and create the table returned when % calling "read". response = info.Response; info = rmfield(info,'Response'); if isempty(response) data = table(input); else response = iFormatResponse(response); data = table(input,response); end end function resultsStruct = manageDispatchInBackgroundNameValue(p) resultsStruct = p.Results; DispatchInBackgroundSpecified = ~any(strncmp('DispatchInBackground',p.UsingDefaults,length('DispatchInBackground'))); BackgroundExecutionSpecified = ~any(strncmp('BackgroundExecution',p.UsingDefaults,length('BackgroundExecution'))); % In R2017b, BackgroundExecution was name used to control % DispatchInBackground. Allow either to be specified. if BackgroundExecutionSpecified && ~DispatchInBackgroundSpecified resultsStruct.DispatchInBackground = resultsStruct.BackgroundExecution; end end
Ren Okumura
Ren Okumura on 2 Nov 2022

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