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How to vertically concatenate a 2x1 table output in a loop, to form a 2x(i) table of outputs.

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello all, I have a for loop that matches Unixtime data from many thousands of data points and matches it against a smaller set of Unixtimes for photos from experiments so that i can match crack length against the appropriate Force/displacement data. I am trying to extract the necessary DCBdatapoints in a table but cant vertically concatenate the outputs into a new table. I am quiet new to MATLAB, any help will be greatly appreciated.
for i=1:length(ID)
isMatch = abs(rawdatarray(:,3)- IDnanarrary(i,2)) <= 0.02;
DCBdatapoints = rawdata(isMatch,1:2)
plot (DCBdatapoints,"Displacementmm","ForceMpa","LineJoin","round","Marker","+","LineStyleMode","auto")
hold on
hold off
These are my outputs (Only two shown)
I can plot them no bother, i just want to extract the full set of data points in a new table.
DCBdatapoints = 1×2 table
DCBdatapoints = 2×2 table

Answers (1)

Alan Stevens
Alan Stevens on 23 Nov 2022
help stack


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