Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.

2 views (last 30 days)
there is this error ''Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements'' pooping up in my code and need help...thank you
clc; clear; close all;
%% Data
qe = 1; %1.6022e-19;
n = 5e16;
E0 = 10*10^3;
m0 = 9.1094e-31;
m = 0.44*m0;
e0 = 1; %8.8542e-12;
ed = 50;
s = 3.5e3;
ue = 1;
eps0 = 1; %8.8542e-12;
h = 4.1356e-15; %6.6261e-34; %
hBar = h/(2*pi());
b = 0.142e-9;
a = 3*b/2/hBar;
tt = 2.6; %*1e-19;
w = 10^12; %(5.7/2); %*1e-19; Bandgap
%% J vs w
linAx = axes('nextplot','add');
col = {'-', '-.', '--'}; %[0,0,1;0.9,0.4,0.17;0,1,0]; % Blue, Orange, Green
%LinSty = ["-", "--", ":"]; % linestyle
delta = 2:0.001:10; %linspace(0,10,100); %
JxL = zeros(size(delta));
i = 0;
for B = 0.1:0.1:0.3
j = 0;
i = i+1;
for Delta = delta
j = j+1;
k = (w/s);
p = 0.525; %-k/2 + (1/a)*asin(hBar*w*G/4/tt^2/sin(k*a/2));
G = sqrt(delta.^2 + 5*tt^2);
v = (-2*tt^2*a*sin(p*a)./G);
t1 = ue*p./(qe.*v);
t2 = t1/2;
wc = qe*B.*v./p;
gamma = 1 + 1i.*wc.*t2;
Sigg = qe^2*n.*v.*t1./p;
Sixx = p^2/(2*pi*hBar^2);
Rixx = 2*p./m./v;
ag = 2*pi*hBar^2*eps0.*v./(qe^2*p);
bF = (k.*v./wc).*1e-9;
Sigxx = 0; Rx = 0;
for l = -3:3
Sigxx = Sigxx + (l*besselj(l,bF)).^2./(1 - 1i*(w-l.*wc).*t1);
Rx = Rx + l*besselj(l,bF).^2/(1 - 1i*(w-l.*wc).*t1);
Sigxx = 2*Sixx.*Sigg.*Sigxx./bF.^2;
Rx = Rixx.*wc.*Rx./k;
g = 1 + 1i.*Sigxx./(e0*(ed+1)*(s-Rx));
SxL = 0;
for l = 0:0
SxL = SxL + (besselj(l,bF)./(1-1i.*(w-l.*wc).*t1)).*(l + k.*ag.*Sigxx./(wc.*t1.*eps0.*(s-Rx))).*...
(-1i.*gamma.^2.*(l+1).*besselj(l+1,bF) + 1i.*conj(gamma).^2.*(l-1).*besselj(l-1,bF));
C = (1./(2*qe*n.*v)).*abs(Sigg*E0./g).^2.*(((1./bF)./(1 + wc.^2.*t2.^2)).^2);
A = t1.*wc.*p^2./2./pi./hBar;
JxL(j) = C.*A.*real(SxL);
plot(linAx,delta,JxL, col{i})
Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements.
fontSize = 12;
xlabel(linAx,'\omega_{\it q} (ns^{-1})', 'FontSize', fontSize)
ylabel(linAx,'\it j_{x} (p A/m)', 'FontSize', fontSize)
% title(linAx,'Graphene with an Energy Bandgap') %Linear Dispersion Case
legend(linAx,'B = 0.1 T','B = 0.2 T', 'B = 0.3 T','Location','Best')
%axis auto([-5e-9 25e-9 0e8 2e8 10e8])
set(gca, 'fontsize', 12, 'linewidth', 1.2)
%grid on

Accepted Answer

Bora Eryilmaz
Bora Eryilmaz on 7 Dec 2022
Edited: Bora Eryilmaz on 7 Dec 2022
On this line
JxL(j) = C.*A.*real(SxL);
you are trying to assign a vector (C.*A.*...) into a scalar element of the variable JxL(j).

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