Converting 1d signal to 2d image
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I would like to ask how can I convert 1d signal to timeseries image, which will be used as CNN input?
Atatched schema is presenting this operation.
Answers (2)
Abderrahim. B
on 15 Dec 2022
If i understood your question properly, you want to convert time series (signal is type of time series) to like-image to train CNN. See below:
% Generate signal
Fs = 2500 ;
F = [40 70 400]
t = 0:1/Fs:2-1/Fs ; % 2 seconds
noisySig = 2.5*sum(cos(2*pi*F.'*t)) + randn(1, length(t)) ; % noisy signal
% convert to spectrogram
spectrogram(noisySig, Fs)
hope this helps
1 Comment
Image Analyst
on 15 Dec 2022
Image Analyst
on 15 Dec 2022
How about using reshape to make it into a 2-D matrix of the proper aspect ratio? Then use imresize to size it to the size your network requires. Like to get 227 rows from your signal:
reshapedSignal = reshape(originalSignal, 227, []);
reshapedSignal = imresize(reshapedSignal, [227, 227]); % 227 for Alexnet
on 25 Jul 2023
Dear Image Analyst,
Will the reshaping of the original signal retain the all the information of the original one?
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