How to get daily temperatures of past 30 years for a given location from NOAA online database

7 views (last 30 days)
Hi all and Merry Christmas.
I want to download average daily temperatures of the past 30 years for a given location from NOAA database. I am given a base URL as below:
and also I received a token from NOAA website that I need to use that to access the data. According to the NOAA instructions, assigned token is required to use these queries and must be in the header. Can anyone tell me how to set the token in the header? This is the first time I want to do that.(please visit the below link for further infirmation)
the cyclist
the cyclist on 20 Jan 2023
This problem was already solved, but I wanted to add some info I stumbled across later. I learned about a site/utility that will convert curl commands to MATLAB (and many other languages).
For clarity, I am talking about cURL, the library and unix command line tool for transferring data over a network -- not the mathematical curl operator.

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Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 26 Dec 2022
Here is how you can do this using webread:
myURL = '';
opt = weboptions('KeyName','token','KeyValue',myToken);
data = webread(myURL,opt);

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More Answers (1)

the cyclist
the cyclist on 26 Dec 2022
Edited: the cyclist on 26 Dec 2022
Here is an example that worked for me (using my own token, of course).
It uses MATLAB's system function to call the system's curl function.
myURL = '';
cmdString = ['curl -H ''token:',myToken,''' ''',myURL,''''];
[status, curlOutput] = system(cmdString)
The trickiest part is actually constructing the string to send out to the system, because the string itself has quotes in it. There is probably a more elegant way, or even a MATLAB function that will do this more directly, but I know this solution works.
the cyclist
the cyclist on 26 Dec 2022
Edited: the cyclist on 26 Dec 2022
@Image Analyst, "curl" is unix utility for pulling URL info. (Some web searching suggests that it is, in fact, shipped with Windows. But, I can't really help there.) Given the error that @Behrooz Daneshian reported directly from the command line, I'm guessing we're not going to get that to work via MATLAB.
I agree that webread or websave is promising. Probably one just needs to figure out how to send the token along with the URL. I tried a couple simple Name-Value input combinations, but did not get it to work (yet).
the cyclist
the cyclist on 26 Dec 2022
Just after I posted the above comment, I figured out (well, found out) how to do this. See my other answer.

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