Group data based on direct

3 views (last 30 days)
Ancalagon8 on 8 Jan 2023
Edited: Ancalagon8 on 6 Jan 2025
I have a table with values and I want to group them in sectors. Is it possible to do it automatically either than manually?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 9 Jan 2023
Edited: Adam Danz on 9 Jan 2023
Grouping angular values
This demo works with degrees but it's the same process for radians. It assumes angular data are between 0 and 360. If that's not the case in your data, wrap your data to 360 (or to 2pi).
Given the number of bins nBins this computes equispaced bin edges, with a bin centered at 0 deg, and then computes the bin number for each angular data point. The bin centered at 0 is delt with separately.
Grouping isn't too difficult. However, depending on what you plan to do with these group values, you could run into trouble that @Walter Roberson explained. Phase wrapping is a potential solution to this problem (I'm looking at you bin #1).
theta = [rand(1,30)*360]; % vector of angular data [0,360] deg
nBins = 12; % select number of bins
% Compute edges
w = 360/nBins;
edges = w/2:w:(360-w/2);
% Bin data
bin = discretize(theta, edges)+1;
bin(theta>=edges(end) | theta<edges(1)) = 1; % bin at 0
% Plot results, show theta values, bin edges, and bin ID
'RTickLabel','', ...
hold on
polarplot(theta*pi/180, 1, 'ro')
polarplot([1;1].*edges*pi/180, [0;1], 'k-')
text(theta*pi/180, ones(size(theta))-.1, string(bin), ...
'HorizontalAlignment','Center', 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle')
grid off

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Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 8 Jan 2023
Edited: Star Strider on 8 Jan 2023
One way to do this would be to use the histcounts function and get the first three outputs —
WindDir = rand(100,1)*360;
edgev = linspace(0, 360, 9);
[N,Edges,Octant] = histcounts(WindDir, edgev);
WindOctants = table(WindDir,Octant)
WindOctants = 100×2 table
WindDir Octant _______ ______ 123.39 3 272.97 7 352.43 8 10.679 1 199.56 5 205.31 5 258.28 6 329.39 8 146.07 4 171.63 4 333.69 8 328.55 8 85.531 2 331.01 8 92.321 3 232.95 6
The first output are the number of counts in each octant (bonus information), and the third is the respective octant.
EDIT — (8 Jan 2023 at 16:30)
Added table.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 23 Feb 2023
I thought I could do this with one of the table functions, however extracting and transposing proved to be easiest —
LD = load(websave('T',''))
LD = struct with fields:
T: [513077×1 timetable]
% DT = datetime('01-Jan-2022') + caldays(0:365).';
% WindVel = lognrnd(log(5),log(3),size(DT));
TT = 513077×1 timetable
date_time Vel_avg __________________ _______ 01-Jan-19 00:00:00 1.337 01-Jan-19 00:03:00 1.609 01-Jan-19 00:04:00 1.389 01-Jan-19 00:05:00 1.466 01-Jan-19 00:06:00 2.345 01-Jan-19 00:07:00 2.074 01-Jan-19 00:08:00 1.505 01-Jan-19 00:09:00 1.253 01-Jan-19 00:10:00 1.15 01-Jan-19 00:11:00 1.958 01-Jan-19 00:12:00 2.339 01-Jan-19 00:13:00 1.641 01-Jan-19 00:14:00 1.557 01-Jan-19 00:15:00 1.053 01-Jan-19 00:16:00 1.486 01-Jan-19 00:17:00 2.436
% return
MM = month(TT.date_time);
T = timetable2table(TT);
Vmax = ceil(max(TT.Vel_avg)) % Maximum Velocity In File
Vmax = 21
edgev = linspace(0, Vmax, Vmax+1); % Edge Vector
edgem = [edgev(1:end-1); edgev(2:end)].'; % Bin Limits (For Output Table)
ctrs = mean(diff(edgev))/2 + edgev(1:end-1); % Bin Centers
[N,Edges,mps] = histcounts(TT.Vel_avg, edgev); % Call 'histcounts'
bar(ctrs, N)
WindVelCounts = table(edgem(:,1),edgem(:,2)); % Initialise Table
for k = 1:12
Month = T(MM==k,:);
[N,Edges,mps] = histcounts(T.Vel_avg(MM==k,:), edgev); % Call 'histcounts¹
Nc{k} = N;
Dch{k+2} = mps;
WindVelCounts{:,k+2} = N(:);
MMM{k} = month(Month{1,1},'shortname');
MMMv = [MMM{:}];
WindVelCounts.Properties.VariableNames = {'Start','End', MMMv{:}}
WindVelCounts = 21×14 table
Start End Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec _____ ___ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 0 1 7795 5600 7057 6124 6305 7404 7028 7613 7985 11406 6710 8092 1 2 10956 8951 14743 11734 11255 9244 8714 10383 12751 15673 13858 11413 2 3 6025 4791 5595 6726 6466 4887 6072 4637 5098 5946 7968 5106 3 4 4810 3813 4157 5829 5610 4540 5179 3997 3517 3420 5417 3886 4 5 3538 3597 3318 4266 5170 4518 4086 3874 3756 3175 3212 2486 5 6 2797 2717 2628 2841 3850 3537 3915 3844 3360 2199 1838 1675 6 7 2193 2305 2013 1998 2550 2837 3858 3938 2932 1038 1002 1527 7 8 1645 1942 1538 1558 1641 2534 3239 3269 1953 611 372 1657 8 9 1171 1355 1066 1016 666 1538 1474 2109 1027 334 169 1549 9 10 787 1040 779 617 494 652 342 529 269 205 79 1248 10 11 609 1066 664 278 350 152 65 39 33 92 27 762 11 12 359 957 506 113 145 27 11 1 7 58 7 427 12 13 194 780 249 14 38 3 5 0 0 15 7 287 13 14 42 461 98 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 154 14 15 0 253 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 15 16 0 177 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
VN = WindVelCounts.Properties.VariableNames;
WindVelCountsTransposed = array2table(table2array(WindVelCounts(:,3:end)).', 'RowNames',VN(3:end));
WindVelCountsTransposed.Properties.VariableNames = compose('[%d-%d]',edgem)
WindVelCountsTransposed = 12×21 table
[0-1] [1-2] [2-3] [3-4] [4-5] [5-6] [6-7] [7-8] [8-9] [9-10] [10-11] [11-12] [12-13] [13-14] [14-15] [15-16] [16-17] [17-18] [18-19] [19-20] [20-21] _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Jan 7795 10956 6025 4810 3538 2797 2193 1645 1171 787 609 359 194 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Feb 5600 8951 4791 3813 3597 2717 2305 1942 1355 1040 1066 957 780 461 253 177 108 68 33 12 1 Mar 7057 14743 5595 4157 3318 2628 2013 1538 1066 779 664 506 249 98 31 7 0 0 0 0 0 Apr 6124 11734 6726 5829 4266 2841 1998 1558 1016 617 278 113 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May 6305 11255 6466 5610 5170 3850 2550 1641 666 494 350 145 38 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun 7404 9244 4887 4540 4518 3537 2837 2534 1538 652 152 27 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jul 7028 8714 6072 5179 4086 3915 3858 3239 1474 342 65 11 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aug 7613 10383 4637 3997 3874 3844 3938 3269 2109 529 39 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sep 7985 12751 5098 3517 3756 3360 2932 1953 1027 269 33 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oct 11406 15673 5946 3420 3175 2199 1038 611 334 205 92 58 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nov 6710 13858 7968 5417 3212 1838 1002 372 169 79 27 7 7 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Dec 8092 11413 5106 3886 2486 1675 1527 1657 1549 1248 762 427 287 154 77 31 6 3 3 1 0
% figure
% TL = tiledlayout(4,3);
% for k = 1:12
% nexttile
% bar(ctrs,WindVelCounts{:,k+2})
% grid
% ylim([0 1.8E+4])
% title(MMM{k})
% end
% title(TL,year(TT.date_time(1,1)))
All the original information is still there in case you need it. Plotting it using bar3 might be another option, in addition to tiledlayout.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 23 Feb 2023
As always, my pleasure!

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