
Star Strider

Last seen: Today Active since 2012

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Hic sunt dracones! PROFESSIONAL: Physician (M.D.): Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine; M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering: Instrumentation, Signal Processing, Control, System Identification, Parameter Estimation NON-PROFESSIONAL: Amateur Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator; Private Pilot, Airplane Single Engine Land, Instrument Rating Airplane; Gamer NOTE: I do not respond to emails or personal messages, unless they are about my File Exchange contributions. Time Zone: UTC-7 (Standard); UTC-6 (Daylight Savings/Summer)


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  • Personal Best Downloads Level 2
  • 5-Star Galaxy Level 3
  • Most Accepted 2021
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  • 36 Month Streak
  • Thankful Level 4

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Trying to reshape/reformat data set into multiple sets
A matrix of 140000 rows won’t work, however a matrix of 140050 rows will. Use the mat2cell function to break it up into manag...

7 hours ago | 0

What calculation is done to find the gains (k) of the zpk function?
I am not certain that it is documented anywhere (I cannot find it), however it appears to be the coefficient of the highest-orde...

13 hours ago | 0

Representation of the vector array of Z-transform
Yopu can check it against the Symbolic Math Toolbox iztrans function result — syms z Z = [1 z^-1 z^-2 z^-3].' t = iztrans...

14 hours ago | 0

How to find intercept of two lines pls
There apears to be much missing informaiton. That aside, the general approach would be — x = linspace(0, 2, 3).'; y = x.^2...

1 day ago | 0

Problems loading factoryReports.csv example
According to the documentation, it should exist, and definitely should exist here, online. Check_Train = which('train.mat') ...

1 day ago | 0

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Read a timeseries with h5py
If you have R2011a or later, it may be best to use the h5read function. You did not attach the file, so it is not possible to...

2 days ago | 0

How can I know the value of resistors and capacitors from this photo?
Displaying the image — imshow(imread('WhatsApp Image..._0904bed9.jpg')) The stripes are brown-black-brown with no tolerance s...

3 days ago | 0

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Plot generating blank graph?
You do not need the loop. Just usee vectorisation — l = 0.0001; lambda = 0.405; syms t; wj11 = 0; wj12 = -79.077; wj61...

3 days ago | 0

how to flip axes of isosurface plot?
Missing files, so I cannot run this. One optiion would be to permute the order of the first three arguments to isosurface. ...

3 days ago | 0

How can I smoothen my plots by removing sharp edges/points in the plots?
One option is to use vectors with increased resolutiuon (numbers of points), and then interpolate as necessary — A=load('data...

4 days ago | 0

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fitting with custom equation
This is probably as good as you can hope for — % I/y = x/a + (1-x)/b y = [1.6E5 2.5E5 4.1E5 8E5 1E6 2E6 7E6 2E7]; x = [17...

4 days ago | 0

Matlab forgets new paths I add
@Paris — You probably need to create (or change) your startup fiie. I have one (startup.m) I have been using for decades, altho...

4 days ago | 0

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Sub-sampling with mean value of a datasets including time
I am not certain how the means whould be calculated. If you want to calculatee the means of every six rows, that is relatively...

4 days ago | 1

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Trying to Differentiate Parametric Equation, Error "Error using diff Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar."
Your diff call is not going to produce the result you want. % Define symbolic variables syms R Z e v real % Define parame...

5 days ago | 0

cannot install MATLAB R2024b in Ubuntu 24.04.1
Your best option is to Contact Support for installation problems. Please post back here with MathWorks recommendations and yo...

5 days ago | 0

Finding concave hull around abstract shape
I am not certain what you want. The information creates a 2D polyshape. The boundary function is likely most appropriate her...

6 days ago | 1

Readtable not configuring delimiters correctly
Try something like this — % type('experiments.csv') filename = 'experiments.csv'; Lines = readlines(filename); FindLine...

6 days ago | 0

imshow title is cut off
I cannott reproduce that behaviour, at least here. One possibility is that the problem does not exist in R2024b, and that upgr...

6 days ago | 0

add arrow above textbox
I wrote some simple functions to transform (x,y) coordinates to normalised values to use with annotation functions. I added t...

6 days ago | 0

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Can MatLab provide a variable in an answer?
If you have the Symbolic Math Toolbox, that may well be possible. Without knowing more, I doubt that would otherwise be possi...

6 days ago | 0

How to calculate Average without receiving 'Inf' as a result.
Uz = unzip('Matlab') T1 = readtable(Uz{1}, 'VariableNamingRule','preserve') NonZeros = nnz(T1{:,1}) NrInf = nnz(...

7 days ago | 0

how to get the envelope of oscillating signal
Perhaps this — LD = load('data.mat') t = LD.t; il5 = LD.il5; Data = rmmissing([t il5]); t = Data(:,1); il5 = Data(:,2); ...

7 days ago | 0

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plotting multiple distributions on one graph
I am not certain what your data are, so I will create some. A = randn(20, 1000); A = (A - min(A,[],2)) + 1; A = A .* 15./...

8 days ago | 0

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trying to make sure my data has been imported correctly as a 4D matrix
Using readtable, your data imports as a (104x290) table. (There aree no variable names.) The matrix loads as a 4-dimensional...

8 days ago | 0

How to find the mean of a matrice based on a value in another matrice
This returns all of the monthly means for all the months — LD = load('data_x.mat') T1 = table(LD.month,, 'VariableNames...

8 days ago | 0

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plot bar graph based on element type in matrix
Do you want all of them, or just the last row (t=10)? This does both — A = randi(3, 20, 100) TallyAll = accumarray(A(:),...

8 days ago | 0

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Find the indices of numbers that occur first
That is not an appropriate find call. The syntax is incorrect. X = randperm(9) % Unique Rand...

8 days ago | 0

How to fill in missing data?
If you have R2016b, use the fillmissing function (introduced in R2016b) — T1 = array2table(randi([0 9],10,5)) ...

9 days ago | 0

shifting a column in Matlab of CSV
The ‘Var1’ (first column) values are not exactly -1 and +1 so you have a choice to make. Either keep them as such (so after add...

9 days ago | 0

set the tick format of y axis
In the Numeric Ruler Properties documentation, see the section on Exponent. x = linspace(0, 1); y1 = sin(2*pi*x); y2 = cos...

9 days ago | 0

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