Plot-Parameter study- Adsorption

4 views (last 30 days)
Una on 12 Jan 2023
Edited: Torsten on 18 Jan 2023
Dear all,
I am trying to do a parameter study (velocity and length) on an adsorbent. I had the following idea on how to do it but it doesnt work and I cant figure out how to solve the error.
I am relatively new in matlab so for any suggestion I am grateful.
velocity = [0.01 0.1 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5]; % Diffferent velocity values
for ii=1:numel(velocity)
[T, Y] = Main(v);
plot(T,Y(:,n), 'linewidth', 1),
hold all
Unrecognized function or variable 'v'.

Error in solution>MyFun (line 44)
Dl = Dm +(v*r_1*2)^2/(192*Dm); % axial dipsersion coefficient in m2/sec

Error in solution>@(t,Y)MyFun(t,Y,z,n) (line 27)
[T, Y] = ode15s(@(t,Y) MyFun(t,Y,z,n),t,y0);

Error in odearguments (line 92)
f0 = ode(t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.

Error in ode15s (line 153)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle, odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);

Error in solution>Main (line 27)
[T, Y] = ode15s(@(t,Y) MyFun(t,Y,z,n),t,y0);
function [T, Y] = Main(~)
cFeed = 0.016; % Feed concentration in mol/m3
L = 0.3; % Column length in m
t0 = 0; % Initial Time in s
tf = 8000; % Final time in s
dt = 0.5; % Time step
z = 0:0.005:L; % Mesh generation
t = t0:dt:tf; % Time vector
n = numel(z); % Size of mesh grid
% Initial Conditions / Vector Creation
c0 = zeros(n,1); % c = 0 at t = 0 for all z
c0(1) = cFeed; % c = cFeed at z= 0 for all t
q0 = zeros(n,1); % q = 0 at t = 0 for all z
y0 = [c0 ; q0]; % Appends conditions together
%ODE15S Solver
[T, Y] = ode15s(@(t,Y) MyFun(t,Y,z,n),t,y0);
function DyDt=MyFun(~, y, z, n)
% Design parameters of the adsorbent bed
epsilon = 0.87; % bed porosity
%v = 3; % superficial velocity in m/s
rho = 500; % particle density in kg/m3
r_1 = 0.000525; % Channel inner radius in m
L = 0.3; % bed length in m
% General parameters
De = 1e-11; % effective diffusivity
Dm = 1.381e-5; % molecular diffusivity of co2 in air in m2/s
Dl = Dm +(v*r_1*2)^2/(192*Dm); % axial dipsersion coefficient in m2/sec
k = 0.005; % mass transfer coefficient in 1/sec
R = 8.314; % gas constant in J/mol-K
T = 298; % gas temp in K
% Parameters of the isotherm
qsat1 = 0.16; % mol/kg
b1 = 4.89e-2; % 1/pascal
qsat2 = 3.5; % mol/kg
b2 = 22e-2; % 1/pascal
b3 = 0.00062e-2; % mol/kg-pascal
% Variables being allocated zero vectors
c = zeros(n,1);
q = zeros(n,1);
DcDt = zeros(n,1);
DqDt = zeros(n,1);
DyDt = zeros(2*n,1);
zhalf = zeros(n-1,1);
DcDz = zeros(n,1);
D2cDz2 = zeros(n,1);
c = y(1:n);
q = y(n+1:2*n);
% Interior mesh
for i=2:n-1
DcDz(i) = (c(i)-c(i-1))/(z(i)-z(i-1));
D2cDz2(i) = ((c(i+1)-c(i))/(z(i+1)-z(i))-(c(i)-c(i-1))/(z(i)-z(i-1)))/(zhalf(i)-zhalf(i-1));
% DcDz and D2cDz2 at z=L for boundary condition dc/dz = 0
DcDz(n) = 0;
D2cDz2(n) = -1.0/(z(n)-zhalf(n-1))*(c(n)-c(n-1))/(z(n)-z(n-1));
% time derivatives at z=0 and q*
if R*T*c(1) < 16
qstar=(qsat2*b2*(R*T*c(1)-16))/(1+b2*(R*T*c(1)-16)) + b3*R*T*c(1);
DqDt(1) = k*(qstar - q(1) );
DcDt(1) = 0.0;
% Set time derivatives in remaining points
for i=2:n
% q* for RTc < or > 16
if R*T*c(i) <16
qstar=(qsat2*b2*(R*T*c(i)-16))/(1+b2*(R*T*c(i)-16)) + b3*R*T*c(i);
% Equation: dq/dt = k(q*-q)
DqDt(i) = k*(qstar - q(i) );
% Equation: dc/dt = Dl * d2c/dz2 - v*dc/dz - ((1-e)/(e))*roh*dq/dt
DcDt(i) = Dl*D2cDz2(i) - v*DcDz(i) - ((1-epsilon)/(epsilon))*rho*DqDt(i);
% Concatenate vector of time derivatives
DyDt = [DcDt;DqDt];

Answers (1)

Torsten on 12 Jan 2023
Edited: Torsten on 12 Jan 2023
I don't know whether you and Sona Ghulami are the same person, but i suggest you start with the last code under
because several mistakes in the code have been eliminated.
Especially change
DcDz(n) = 0;
DcDz(n) = (c(n)-c(n-1))/(z(n)-z(n-1));
Concerning your question:
function [T, Y] = Main(~)
function [T, Y] = Main(v)
[T, Y] = ode15s(@(t,Y) MyFun(t,Y,z,n),t,y0);
[T, Y] = ode15s(@(t,Y) MyFun(t,Y,z,n,v),t,y0);
function DyDt=MyFun(~, y, z, n)
function DyDt=MyFun(~, y, z, n, v)
And I explicitly suggest that you plot qstar over c before you continue.
Una on 18 Jan 2023
Hallo Torston, I am sorry to bother you again. I have made a few changes according to your suggestions but now i get the following error. I tried using the "which function" but I couldnt find anything odd.
velocity = [0.01 0.5 1.5 2.5 3]; % Diffferent velocity values
for ii=1:numel(velocity)
[T, Y] = Mainmmen(v);
plot(T,Y(:,n), 'linewidth', 1),
hold all
Error using solution>Mainmmen
Too many output arguments.
function Mainmmen(v)
cFeed= 0.016; % Feed concentration in mol/m3
L = 0.3; % Column length in m
t0 = 0; % Initial Time in s
tf= 15000; % Final time in s
dt= 0.05; % Time step
z = [0:0.005:L].'; % Mesh generation
t = [t0:dt:tf]; % Time vector
n = numel(z); % Size of mesh grid
%Initial Conditions and boundary condition
c0 = zeros(n,1); % c = 0 at t =0 for all z
c0(1)= cFeed; % c = cFeed at z =0 and t>0
q0 = zeros(n,1); % t = 0, q = 0 for all z
y0 = [c0 ; q0];
%ODE15S Solver
[T, Y] = ode15s(@(t,y) MyFun(t,y,z,n,v),t,y0);
function DyDt=MyFun(t, y, z, n,v)
% Design parameters of the adsorbent bed
epsilon = 0.80; % bed porosity
%vs = 3; % superficial velocity in m/s
%v = vs/epsilon;
rho = 500; % particle density in kg/m3
r_1 = 0.000525; % Channel inner radius in m
r_2 = 0.000585; % Channel radius in m
L = 0.3; % bed length in m
% General parameters
De = 1e-11; % effective diffusivity
Dm = 1.6e-5; % molecular diffusivity of co2 in air in m2/s
Dl = Dm +(v*r_1*2)^2/(192*Dm); % axial dipsersion coefficient in m2/sec
rohg = 1.18; % density of air in kg/m3
viskog = 18.37e-6; % dynamic viscosity of air in Ns/m2
Sc = viskog/Dm; % schmidt number
Re = (rohg*v*2*r_1)/viskog;
sh = 3.6*(1+0.139*(r_1*2/L)*Re*Sc).^0.81;
kf = (sh*Dm)/(2*r_1);
k = 1/((r_1/(2*kf))+(r_2^2-r_1^2)/(8*De));
R = 8.314; % gas constant in J/mol-k
T = 298; % gas temp in K
% Parameters of the isotherm
qsat1 = 0.16; % mol/kg
b1 = 4.89e-2; % 1/pascal
qsat2 = 3.5; % mol/kg
b2 = 22e-2; % 1/pascal
b3 = 0.00062e-2; % mol/kg-pascal
% Variables being allocated zero vectors
c = zeros(n,1);
q = zeros(n,1);
DcDt = zeros(n,1);
DqDt = zeros(n,1);
zhalf = zeros(n-1,1);
DcDz = zeros(n,1);
DyDt = zeros(2*n,1);
D2cDz2 = zeros(n,1);
c = y(1:n);
q = y(n+1:2*n);
% Interior mesh points
% Calculate spatial derivatives
DcDz(2:n) = (c(2:n)-c(1:n-1))./(z(2:n)-z(1:n-1));
D2cDz2(2:n-1) = ((c(3:n)-c(2:n-1))./(z(3:n)-z(2:n-1))-(c(2:n-1)-c(1:n-2))./(z(2:n-1)-z(1:n-2)))./(zhalf(2:n-1)-zhalf(1:n-2));
% Calculate D2cDz2 at z=L for boundary condition dc/dz = 0
D2cDz2(n) = -1.0/(z(n)-zhalf(n-1))*DcDz(n);
% Set time derivatives
for i=1:numel(c)
if R*T*c(i) < 16
qstar(i)=(qsat2*b2*(R*T*c(i)-16))/(1+b2*(R*T*c(i)-16)) + b3*R*T*c(i);
DqDt = k*(qstar(i) - q );
DcDt(1) = 0.0;
DcDt(2:n) = Dl*D2cDz2(2:n) - v*DcDz(2:n) - ((1-epsilon)/(epsilon))*rho*DqDt(2:n);
% Concatenate vector of time derivatives
DyDt = [DcDt;DqDt];
Torsten on 18 Jan 2023
Edited: Torsten on 18 Jan 2023
Read again my suggested changes in the answer above.
If you want to have T and Y as output from "Mainmmen", you must define them as output arguments within the function:
function [T,Y] = mainmmen(v)
And change
DqDt = k*(qstar(i) - q );
DqDt = k*(qstar - q );

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