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Clear Filters

Error in running the code

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Aya Emam
Aya Emam on 30 Jan 2023
Commented: Aya Emam on 30 Jan 2023
Any one can help me
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 30 Jan 2023
Now that you have actually shown some code, there is still a problem. The error message tells us that your file is not what you think it contains. But we have no idea what the file truly does contain.
Finally, you need to understand that posting a PICTURE of your code is not useful. That forces someone who might help you to ttype in your code from the screen.
Is there a good reason why you want to make it more difficult to get help? Paste in the actual code. Attach the file so that someone can understand what is inside the file that you could not read.
Aya Emam
Aya Emam on 30 Jan 2023
clear all; %#ok<CLALL>
close all;
A=dlmread('Book5 measured - Copy (2).csv');
x=A(:,1); % it contains frequency column
y=A(:,2); % it contains Peak gain for phi=0 and theta=90 coloumn which is 2nd column.
hold on
This the code
and This is error
Trouble reading 'Numeric' field from file (row number 1, field number 1) ==> "2.000000000000000E+009
","-1.893568374385968E+001 "\n
Error in comaesion11 (line 5)
A=dlmread('Book5 measured - Copy (2).csv');
and this is the excel sheet

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Answers (1)

Jan on 30 Jan 2023
dlmread cannot handle the double quotes around the numbers. Use modern import functions instead, e.g. readmatrix(). The option 'TrimNonNumeric' might be useful.
  1 Comment
Aya Emam
Aya Emam on 30 Jan 2023
can you give me example for the read matrix
this is the code
clear all; %#ok<CLALL>
close all;
A=dlmread('Book5 measured - Copy (3).csv');
x=A(:,1); % it contains frequency column
y=A(:,2); % it contains Peak gain for phi=0 and theta=90 coloumn which is 2nd column.
hold on

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