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What is the nonlinear state space model (nonlinear model) of rotary flexible link

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Since the rotary flexible link is a nonlinear system, what is the nonlieanr state space model (nonlinear model) for the rotary flexible link, before linearizing it?

Answers (1)

Anurag Ojha
Anurag Ojha on 14 Feb 2023
Edited: Anurag Ojha on 14 Feb 2023
It is my understanding that you want to know about the state-space model of rotary flexible link. Kindly refer to the attached documentation of the rotary flexible link system which explains how to identify the state-space model of a flexible link system.
Hope it helps!
  1 Comment
Sana Mohamed
Sana Mohamed on 22 Feb 2023
I know the linear state space model, but my question: what is the nonlinear equation (nonlinear state space model) for the rotary flexible link?

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