How to make a simple plot with two lines?

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Hi. I am new to MatLab. I want to make a plot with two lines for 2001 and 2003 group of schoolyear vs students. (Please note, not "year", but "schoolyear"). The x-axis would have the 12 months of the year, and the y-axis has the students.
table_a = readtable('Data1.xlsx');
for i = 1:height(table_a)
if table_a.month(i)>=8
schoolyear(i) = table_a.year(i) + 1;
schoolyear(i) = table_a.year(i);
table_a.schoolyear = schoolyear(:)
table_a = 48×4 table
month year students schoolyear _____ ____ ________ __________ 1 2000 12 2000 2 2000 14 2000 3 2000 13 2000 4 2000 11 2000 5 2000 17 2000 6 2000 14 2000 7 2000 10 2000 8 2000 9 2001 9 2000 16 2001 10 2000 11 2001 11 2000 4 2001 12 2000 6 2001 1 2001 5 2001 2 2001 7 2001 3 2001 8 2001 4 2001 9 2001
% how do I make a single plot with two lines, one for 2001 and one for
% 2003. It would be a time series, the month would be on the x-axis, and
% students would be on the y-axis.

Accepted Answer

Paul on 9 Feb 2023
Hi Macy,
%table_a = readtable('Data1.xlsx');
table_a = readtable('');
for i = 1:height(table_a)
if table_a.month(i)>=8
schoolyear(i) = table_a.year(i) + 1;
schoolyear(i) = table_a.year(i);
table_a.schoolyear = schoolyear(:)
table_a = 48×4 table
month year students schoolyear _____ ____ ________ __________ 1 2000 12 2000 2 2000 14 2000 3 2000 13 2000 4 2000 11 2000 5 2000 17 2000 6 2000 14 2000 7 2000 10 2000 8 2000 9 2001 9 2000 16 2001 10 2000 11 2001 11 2000 4 2001 12 2000 6 2001 1 2001 5 2001 2 2001 7 2001 3 2001 8 2001 4 2001 9 2001
Logical indices for the desired school years.
index2001 = table_a.schoolyear == 2001;
index2003 = table_a.schoolyear == 2003;
Extract the corresponding months and students.
month2001 = table_a.month(index2001); students2001 = table_a.students(index2001);
month2003 = table_a.month(index2003); students2003 = table_a.students(index2003);
Sort by month in ascending order (I assumed this is what you want). Reorder corresponding students.
[month2001,index2001] = sort(month2001); students2001 = students2001(index2001);
[month2003,index2003] = sort(month2003); students2003 = students2003(index2003);

More Answers (2)

Venkat Siddarth
Venkat Siddarth on 9 Feb 2023
Hi @Macy,
I understand that you are trying to plot two lines in a single axis with x-axis as months and y-axis as corresponding students in the respective years. This can be achieved as follows:
%Firstly,load the data and add the "schoolyear" column
table_a = readtable('Data1.xlsx');
for i = 1:height(table_a)
if table_a.month(i)>=8
schoolyear(i) = table_a.year(i) + 1;
schoolyear(i) = table_a.year(i);
table_a.schoolyear = schoolyear(:)
After that we will obtain the data in the form of vector using curly brackets({})
%obtaining and sorting months and corresponding students data with schoolyear 2001
data_2001=sortrows(table_a{table_a{:,"schoolyear"}==2001,["month" "students"]},1);
%obtaining and sorting months and corresponding students data with schoolyear 2003
data_2003=sortrows(table_a{table_a{:,"schoolyear"}==2003,["month" "students"]},1);
After that we plot the data using plot function and using the command hold on we create the plots on same axis.
hold on
legend(["2001" "2003"])
hold off
I hope this resolves your query.
Venkat Siddarth V

Macy on 9 Feb 2023
@Paul thank you, this saved me a lot of time as I was trying to do it using a for loop.


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