My assignment asked me to recreate this design. My question is how and where can i recreate it? And what each component is?
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Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 19 Feb 2023
Modulating signal is the input signal to be transmitted, such as the current radiation level, or karaoke microphone of you singing a pop song.
x is multiplication.
circle with two + is addition.
Carrier frequency would typically be sine wave or square wave, but in practice could be anything. The more complicated the carrier signal is, the more difficult it is to synchronize with it at the decoding end.
Walter Roberson
on 19 Feb 2023
None of this is in MATLAB language; it is inside the Simulink product.
Mathworks offers a 2 hour Simulink Onramp course.
The gray and yellow might perhaps be a Scope block.
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