How to save each result of objective function solved by genetic algorithm for each iteration?

5 views (last 30 days)
  • I have solved my optimization problem using genetic algorithm.My objective function is related to a random matrix that's why it is changed in each execution of my program.I want to put a specific number of iterations and store the result of my objective function of each one.It is possible to do that?
  • any suggestion is appreciated

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Feb 2023
Yes, of course.
numiter = 50;
results = zeros(nvars, numiter);
fvals = zeros(1, numiter);
for iter = 1 : numiter
[results(:, iter), fvals(iter)] = ga(...);
[bestfval, bestidx] = min(fvals);
bestx = results(:,bestidx).';
Maria on 24 Feb 2023
@Walter Roberson sorry for my late reply, but "ga" takes a lotof time in order to solve my problem and at the end it doesn't give the required result.
This is my code , could you please show me where should the loop statement
function [sol,fval,exitflag] = MyProblem()
% all my variables are here
data1 = load('all_N1.mat'); % i upload the random matrix,
all_N1 = data1.all_N1;
data2 = load('all_qm1.mat'); % qm1 is related to N1
all_qm1 = data2.all_qm1;
Num = 5; % the number of iteration
sol = zeros(1,Num);
fval = zeros(1,Num);
for iter = 1 : Num
qm = all_qm5{iter};
N = all_N5{iter};
a = floor(L/(UAV_Speed*dt));
q_int = optimvar("q_int","Type","integer", "LowerBound",0,"UpperBound",a);
S = optimvar("S",[M,1],"Type","integer","LowerBound",0,"UpperBound",1);
obj = fcn2optimexpr( @Objective_function ,S);
prob = optimproblem('ObjectiveSense','max');
prob.Objective = obj ;
constr1 = fcn2optimexpr(@NLCON_MAIN,S,q_int)<=0;
constr2 = cumsum(S.*(sum(Energy_Pr,2))) <= E_max(1)-E_prop;
prob.Constraints.constr1 = constr1;
prob.Constraints.constr2 = constr2;
[sol(:,iter),fval(:,iter),] = solve(prob) ; %my problem is solved with "ga"
[bestfval, bestidx] = min(fval);
bestx = sol(:,bestidx).';
Also i don't know if there is a solution to accelerate "ga" execution.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Feb 2023
Your code is already running Num iterations, each with a different qm and N value . However, you do not use qm or N so all of the iterations are running the same problem.

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