Simple question, how to read in a color band file?
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Hi, I am very new to image manipulations and MatLab. How do I properly read in a color band into MatLab. For example, I have three .raw files, named band1.raw, band2.raw, and band3.raw representing blue-green, green, and red. The following is an example of reading in a thermal infrared band. How can I read in, for example, the green band file?
Thank you.
thermal_ir = fread( fopen( 'band_thermal_ir.raw', 'r'), [1000 1000], '*uint8')';
%The following is my guess.
green = fread( fopen( 'band_thermal_ir.raw', 'r'), [1000 1000], '*uint8')';
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 2 Mar 2023
You got the filename wrong. You can't use the same name for the green band as for the thermal band, so try this:
thermalBand = fread( fopen('band_thermal_ir.raw', 'r'), [1000, 1000], '*uint8')';
% The following is my guess.
% Read in blue-green band.
blueGreenBand = fread(fopen('band1.raw', 'r'), [1000, 1000], '*uint8')';
% Read in green band.
greenBand = fread(fopen('band2.raw', 'r'), [1000, 1000], '*uint8')';
% Read in red band.
redBand = fread(fopen('band3.raw', 'r'), [1000, 1000], '*uint8')';
More Answers (1)
on 2 Mar 2023
To read in a color band file, you can follow a similar approach as the thermal infrared band example you provided.
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