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How do I create a toeplitz matrix from a signal and with that create a polynomial and get its constants

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clear variables; % Limpia variables
close all; % Cierra ventana
clc; % Limpia
t = 0:0.01:1; % Vector de tiempo
Fs = 180; % Frecuencia de muestreo
fs = 1/Fs; % Periodo de muestreo
L = 100; % Muestras
t1 = (0:L-1).*fs; % Vector de tiempo
A = 2; % Amplitud
pha = 0; % Fase
T = 1; % Periodo
f = 1/T; % Frecuencia
x = A*sin(2*pi*f*t+pha); % Señal senoidal
Hello everyone, could someone help me how to create a toeplitz matrix from this sinusoidal signal. I know there is a function already, but what happens I am programming it without using the function that Matlab has

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