Complex equation in MATLAB (control engineering)

1 view (last 30 days)
I want to determine at which dead time the following open loop with the transfer function (F_O) becomes unstable. Unfortunately, I cannot do this with MATLAB.
I have now determined the solution using GeoGebra. However, I do not understand what I did wrong in MATLAB. What did I type in wrong?
You can see my MATLAB code in the Attachment.
syms s w T real
F_O = (exp(-s*T))/(s*(1+s))
F_O_w = subs(F_O,s,(j*w))
R = real(F_O_w)
I = imag(F_O_w)
eqns = [R == -1 , I == 0]
[w_D T_t] = vpasolve(eqns,[w T])
Command Window:
F_O =
exp(-T*s)/(s*(s + 1))
F_O_w =
-(exp(-T*w*1i)*1i)/(w*(1 + w*1i))
R =
- cos(T*w)/(w^2 + 1) - sin(T*w)/(w*(w^2 + 1))
I =
sin(T*w)/(w^2 + 1) - cos(T*w)/(w*(w^2 + 1))
eqns =
[- cos(T*w)/(w^2 + 1) - sin(T*w)/(w*(w^2 + 1)) == -1, sin(T*w)/(w^2 + 1) - cos(T*w)/(w*(w^2 + 1)) == 0]
w_D =
T_t =
Realteil ... Real part
Imaginärteil ... Imaginary part
Thanks for any answer!

Answers (2)

Torsten on 8 Apr 2023
Seems there are several solutions.
[w_D T_t] = vpasolve(eqns,[w T],[1 1])
instead of
[w_D T_t] = vpasolve(eqns,[w T])
in order to get the solution from GeoGebra.

Paul on 8 Apr 2023
Hi Michael,
vpasolve found a solution, even if it's not the one you want.
syms s
syms w T real
F_O = (exp(-s*T))/(s*(1+s));
F_O_w = subs(F_O,s,(j*w));
R = real(F_O_w)
R = 
I = imag(F_O_w)
I = 
eqns = [R == -1 , I == 0];
[w_D T_t] = vpasolve(eqns,[w T])
w_D = 
T_t = 
subs(eqns,[w T],[w_D T_t])
ans = 
Use an additional input to vpasolve to specify a positive interval
[w_D T_t] = vpasolve(eqns,[w T],[0 inf;0 inf])
w_D = 
T_t = 
Now, we have the correct frequency. Looking at the equations for R and I, we see that if w*T is a solution, then so is w*T + 2*k*pi. So to find the T_t we really want, we need to do mod arithmetic
T_t = vpa(mod(T_t*w_D,2*pi)/w_D)
T_t = 
If we had some idea of the expected answer, then we can use vpasolve as
[w_D T_t] = vpasolve(eqns,[w T],1)
w_D = 
T_t = 
Easier is to just use allmargin to get the delay margin and its frequency.
allmargin(tf(1,[1 1 0]))
ans = struct with fields:
GainMargin: Inf GMFrequency: Inf PhaseMargin: 51.8273 PMFrequency: 0.7862 DelayMargin: 1.1506 DMFrequency: 0.7862 Stable: 1




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