- ‘load’: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/load.html
- ‘readtable’: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/readtable.html
extract the stress/stain values in elements in numerical model
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Hi Everyone,
I am extremely new for Matlab/Abaqus.
I already have a code and I would like to add on this code a part which - tell Matlab to extract the stress/strain values in a specific elements from a numerical model? to do that do I need my code to generate ODB files first ?
Please when asnwring my question I will extremely appreaicte simple, detailed descrbition as I mentioned I am extremely new to this and I have never use finite element softwares before.
Answers (1)
Manikanta Aditya
on 28 Apr 2023
Hi Sahar,
As per my understanding, you are interested to know whether it is needed to generate ODB files to extract the stress/strain values in a specific element from a numerical model.
If you have the numerical model and generated the output, you may not need to generate ODB files and you can extract the output from numerical model output files.
For example, if your output files are in MATLAB format, you can load the files using ‘load’ function and extract output using indexing. If the output files are in different format such as a CSV or text file, you can use ‘readtable’ command to load the data into MATLAB and use indexing to extract specific values.
Please refer to the following documentation for more info on:
I hope this resolves the issue you were facing.
See Also
Find more on Stress and Strain in Help Center and File Exchange
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