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Matlab app designer spectrogram

15 views (last 30 days)
Hello, i need help with my spectrogram in my matlab app. I got one file that i read from audioread and i don't know how to proper create a spectrogram plot. Here is my code, and some notes: Fs=48000, lenght is about 400000+ for app.y.
can anyone explain me how to make proper values for every option? After this code the program is creating something like this attached to post. Where's the problem?

Accepted Answer

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly on 18 Apr 2023
N = 1024;
n = 0:N-1;
w0 = 2*pi/5;
x = sin(w0*n)+10*sin(2*w0*n);
Executing the spectrogram function with an output does not create a spectrogram.
s = spectrogram(x);
Running the function without the output opens up a figure window with a spectrogram.
If you want this spectrogram to appear in your app, you could place it in a panel and the created figure window as such:
fig = figure;
h = gca;
h.Parent = app.Panel;
For an example, please see the app attached.
Jakub Tkaczyk
Jakub Tkaczyk on 18 Apr 2023
so with my value specified in this example this woould work like this?
i want to try this in next minutes
Jakub Tkaczyk
Jakub Tkaczyk on 18 Apr 2023
it's opening me a Windows DEsigner which i dont understand what is going on

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