cipher in iamge using matlab code

3 views (last 30 days)
mays afif
mays afif on 4 Apr 2015
Commented: Image Analyst on 4 Apr 2015
hi for everyone in this site. pleas i need help in matlab ... i am work to cipher text in matlab using cipher algorithms. but i need to read image and convert it to binary number such as (255 ---- will be 11111111) and so on and when i convert it to binary will be used xor operation with key >>>

Answers (1)

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 4 Apr 2015
mays - you don't need to convert the image into binary. Just use the MATLAB bit wise operations to manipulate the pixels of the image.
mays afif
mays afif on 4 Apr 2015
thank you Geoff.... i have key in (binary) and i need cipher image by add image to key by XOR ... i didn't understand your explain... such as i have image (64 x 64 ) as name=A and key = K how can i ciphering image
thank you very much
i'm sorry for bothering
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Apr 2015
binaryString = dec2bin(yourImage(row, column))

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