use sim with an ode solver, stop time, and time step

5 views (last 30 days)
I want to use the sim command where I can set the ode solver, stop time, and time step so I can change these and compare the accurcary and time it takes to run each

Answers (1)

Abhaya on 4 Sep 2024
Hi Oliver,
To configure the solver type, stop time, and time step for your model, you can use the Simulink.SimulationInput object. The Simulink.SimulationInput object enables you to modify model parameters.
For more information, please refer to the following documentation of Simulink.SimulationInput ,
Below is an example code that illustrates how to achieve the same,
% Load your model
modelName = 'your_model_name';
% Create a SimulationInput object
simIn = Simulink.SimulationInput(modelName);
% Set the solver
simIn = simIn.setModelParameter('Solver', 'ode45');
% Set the fixed-step size (if using a fixed-step solver)
simIn = simIn.setModelParameter('FixedStep', '0.01');
% Set start and stop times
simIn = simIn.setModelParameter('StartTime', '0', 'StopTime', '10');
% Run the simulation
simOut = sim(simIn);
Hope this helps.


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