The annotation​('textarro​w',...) does not go out of a plot

6 views (last 30 days)
How to place an annotation('textarrow',...) out of a plot?
hf = figure;
ax = subplot(3,3,5);
hold on
scatter(0:3,0:3,[],'filled','Clipping', 'off')
plot(0:3,0:3,'Clipping', 'off')
hold off
axis equal
axis(ax, [0 2 0 2]);
% My attempt
% Reference:
ha = annotation('textarrow','String','arrow text');
ha.Parent = hf.CurrentAxes;
ha.X = [-2 1];
ha.Y = [1 0];
By using these coordinates:
ha.X = [-2 1];
ha.Y = [1 0];
we can see that the arrow does not go out of the plot. How to show the entire arrow ?

Accepted Answer

Sim on 30 May 2023
I found this solution. In case you know something better, please let me know!
hf = figure;
ax = subplot(3,3,5);
hold on
scatter(0:3,0:3,[],'filled','Clipping', 'off')
plot(0:3,0:3,'Clipping', 'off')
hold off
axis equal
axis(ax, [0 2 0 2]);
ha = annotation('textarrow','String','arrow text');
ha.Parent = hf.CurrentAxes;
ha.X = [-2 1];
ha.Y = [1 0];
VBBV on 30 May 2023
try the x, y coordinates argument for annotation
hf = figure;
ax = subplot(3,3,5);
hold on
scatter(0:3,0:3,[],'filled','Clipping', 'off')
plot(0:3,0:3,'Clipping', 'off')
hold off
axis equal
axis(ax, [0 2 0 2]);
% My attempt
% Reference:
x = [0.3 0.5];
y = [0.9 0.5];
ha = annotation('textarrow',x,y,'String','arrow text');
Sim on 30 May 2023
@VBBV thanks a lot for your comment! I tried what you suggested, but with those coordinates I cannot use the same units as in my graph.... Indeed the coordinates you used are not the same as the units/numbers of the plot:
x = [0.3 0.5];
y = [0.9 0.5];

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