Why does this give me the "Unable to perform assignment because the left and right sides have a different number of elements." error?

2 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to convert my code into an app as an exercise. I'm trying to get a list to update its items to contain all components.
function CreateComponentButtonPushed(app, event)
new_comp = comp(app.ComponentNameEditField.Value, length(app.components)+1, app.MolarMassgmolEditField.Value);
new_comp.setAntoine([app.AntoineEqnAEditField.Value, app.AntoineEqnBEditField.Value, app.AntoineEqnCEditField.Value]);
app.components = [app.components, new_comp];
display_names = zeros(length(app.components), 1);
for i = 1:length(display_names)
%Set the current value to the name of the component
display_names(i) = app.components(i).name;
%Supposed to change the list in the app to contain all the new
%display names
app.ComponentsListBox.Items = display_names;
This is throwing up an error in the display_names(i) = app.components(i).name line. What's the issue here?
Thanks in advance.

Answers (2)

Harsh Saxena
Harsh Saxena on 5 Jun 2023
Maybe this error is occuring due to the fact that app.components.name(i) is a character array, so MATLAB considers left hand side as a double value while the right hand side as an array of characters. Try initializing the display_names as:
display_names = strings([length(app.components), 1]);
Hope this helps!

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 6 Jun 2023
Edited: Image Analyst on 6 Jun 2023
Perhaps make it a cell array:
numControls = length(app.components)
display_names = cell(numControls, 1);
for k = 1 : numControls % Don't use i as an iterator.
% Set the current value to the name of the component
display_names{k} = app.components(k).name; % Use braces, not parentheses.
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