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Cosimulation between Roadrunner and Carla appears to be cut off.

8 views (last 30 days)
CPU: Threadripper 64 Threads
System memory: 128GB RAM
Graphics adapter: Nvidia Quadro RTX 8000
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Carla 0.9.13 Build-from-source
RoadRunner R2023a Update 2
Python 3.7.5
Hi there. With the help of other posts in the Q&A- section regarding Roadrunner & Carla I found out that running before actually starting the Scenario in RoadRunner helps identifying some problems since the terminal window will log some events. It stated that the map could not be loaded because it cannot be found at given destination although it was specifically added to the included package maps. It's important to know that the map that has been imported to Carla must not be altered name-wise afterwards. Otherwise the map will not be found.
Anyways, the problem I'm now facing is that after the simulation has been started from inside Roadrunner the CarlaUE4 window appears, showing the standard map, and then within some seconds changes to the same map running in Roadrunner. However shortly after, the window closes and the scenario in RoadRunner just runs as expected. Following warnings are given in the console window:
> Started RoadRunner API server on port 35707.
> Started Simulation API server on port 35706.
> Launch CARLA bridge process for simulation (time out = 60000 ms)
> -------------------- Simulation STARTED --------------------
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Connected to CARLA at localhost:2000.
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Setting CARLA sample time 0.020000 s.
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Instantiated the class RoadRunnerVehicle as CarlaVehicle 1 (Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx) using the actor blueprint with the color (255,255,255) at Transform(Location(-4.852268,34.982124,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,-30.592974,-0.000000))
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Instantiated the class RoadRunnerVehicle as SchoolBus 2 (Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx_rrx) using the actor blueprint vehicle.mercedes.sprinter with the color (255,255,0) at Transform(Location(10.627756,-22.773804,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,43.604153,-0.000000))
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Instantiated the class CarlaEgoVehicle1 as hero 3 (Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx) using the actor blueprint with the color (255,255,255) at Transform(Location(-26.279364,21.269466,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,-9.825145,-0.000000))
> Simulation ended: And condition was satisfied.
> -------------------- Simulation ENDED --------------------
My vehicle mapping looks like this. So I'm not sure why it throws the warnings.
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/CompactCar.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/CompactCar.fbx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/CompactCar.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/CompactCar.fbx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/Suv.fbx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx_rrx": "vehicle.mercedes.sprinter",
"Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx": "vehicle.mercedes.sprinter"
Also like described before, when cosimulating with started manually before starting the scenario in RoadRunner itself the following information is presented in the terminal window:
carlaserver2@carlaserver2:/usr/local/RoadRunner_R2023a/bin/glnxa64/Tools/CARLA/SimulationClient$ python
Connecting to Scenario Simulation Engine ...
Registered Scenario Simulation Engine Client with ID: {75206133-edca-4953-a8d4-cff679d33b92}
4.26.2-0+++UE4+Release-4.26 522 0
Disabling core dumps.
Connecting to CARLA ...
INFORMATION: Connected to CARLA at localhost:2000.
need_set_ready: true
simulation_start_event {
INFORMATION: Setting CARLA sample time 0.020000 s.
Loading map /Game/RoadRunner/Maps/THW_Kreuzung ...
WARNING: cannot parse georeference: ''. Using default values.
WARNING: Traffic sign 83 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 82 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 84 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 81 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
Warning: no actor mapping for RoadRunner asset file Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx.
INFORMATION: Instantiated the class RoadRunnerVehicle as CarlaVehicle 1 (Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx) using the actor blueprint vehicle.tesla.cybertruck with the color (default) at Transform(Location(-4.852268,34.982124,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,-30.592974,-0.000000))
Warning: no actor mapping for RoadRunner asset file Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx_rrx.
INFORMATION: Instantiated the class RoadRunnerVehicle as SchoolBus 2 (Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx_rrx) using the actor blueprint vehicle.tesla.cybertruck with the color (default) at Transform(Location(10.627756,-22.773804,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,43.604153,-0.000000))
Warning: no actor mapping for RoadRunner asset file Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx.
INFORMATION: Instantiated the class CarlaEgoVehicle1 as hero 3 (Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx) using the actor blueprint vehicle.tesla.cybertruck with the color (default) at Transform(Location(-26.279364,21.269466,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,-9.825145,-0.000000))
WARNING: cannot parse georeference: ''. Using default values.
WARNING: Traffic sign 83 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 84 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 82 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 81 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
.Actor: hero. Speed action: 0.000000 m/s
Actor: hero. The number of the path action points: 108
Shutting down the simulation client ...
Destroying CarlaVehicle 1 ...
Destroying SchoolBus 2 ...
Destroying hero 3 ...
Simulation has stopped.
Terminating CARLA ...
carlaserver2@carlaserver2:/usr/local/RoadRunner_R2023a/bin/glnxa64/Tools/CARLA/SimulationClient$ Exiting abnormally (error code: 143)
I expected that both simulations run simultanously as shown in the tutorial videos.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Best regards
Stefan Waelisch
Hallo zusammen. Mit Hilfe anderer Beiträge im Q&A-Bereich zu Roadrunner & Carla habe ich herausgefunden, dass das Ausführen von vor dem eigentlichen Start des Szenarios in RoadRunner hilft, einige Probleme zu identifizieren, da das Terminalfenster einige Ereignisse protokolliert. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Karte nicht geladen werden konnte, weil sie am angegebenen Zielort nicht gefunden werden konnte, obwohl sie ausdrücklich zum mitgelieferten Paket maps hinzugefügt wurde. Es ist wichtig zu wissen, dass die Karte, die in Carla importiert wurde, nicht nachträglich im Namen geändert werden darf. Andernfalls wird die Karte nicht gefunden.
Jedenfalls habe ich jetzt das Problem, dass nach dem Start der Simulation in Roadrunner das CarlaUE4-Fenster mit der Standardkarte erscheint und dann innerhalb weniger Sekunden auf die gleiche Karte wechselt, die auch in Roadrunner läuft. Kurz darauf schließt sich das Fenster jedoch wieder und das Szenario in Roadrunner läuft wie erwartet ab. Folgende Warnungen werden im Konsolenfenster angezeigt:
> Started RoadRunner API server on port 35707.
> Started Simulation API server on port 35706.
> Launch CARLA bridge process for simulation (time out = 60000 ms)
> -------------------- Simulation STARTED --------------------
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Connected to CARLA at localhost:2000.
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Setting CARLA sample time 0.020000 s.
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Instantiated the class RoadRunnerVehicle as CarlaVehicle 1 (Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx) using the actor blueprint with the color (255,255,255) at Transform(Location(-4.852268,34.982124,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,-30.592974,-0.000000))
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Instantiated the class RoadRunnerVehicle as SchoolBus 2 (Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx_rrx) using the actor blueprint vehicle.mercedes.sprinter with the color (255,255,0) at Transform(Location(10.627756,-22.773804,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,43.604153,-0.000000))
> (id: CARLA Bridge ) : CARLA Bridge: Instantiated the class CarlaEgoVehicle1 as hero 3 (Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx) using the actor blueprint with the color (255,255,255) at Transform(Location(-26.279364,21.269466,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,-9.825145,-0.000000))
> Simulation ended: And condition was satisfied.
> -------------------- Simulation ENDED --------------------
Die Fahrzeug-mappings Datei actors.json sieht wie folgt aus. Daher kann ich mir die Warning auch ncit erklären:
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/CompactCar.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/CompactCar.fbx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/CompactCar.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/CompactCar.fbx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Developer/Vehicles/Suv.fbx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx": "",
"Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx_rrx": "vehicle.mercedes.sprinter",
"Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx": "vehicle.mercedes.sprinter"
Wie bereits beschrieben, wird auch bei der Co-Simulation mit, welche manuell vor dem Start des Szenarios in RoadRunner gestartet wird, folgende Information im Terminal-Fenster angezeigt:
carlaserver2@carlaserver2:/usr/local/RoadRunner_R2023a/bin/glnxa64/Tools/CARLA/SimulationClient$ python
Connecting to Scenario Simulation Engine ...
Registered Scenario Simulation Engine Client with ID: {75206133-edca-4953-a8d4-cff679d33b92}
4.26.2-0+++UE4+Release-4.26 522 0
Disabling core dumps.
Connecting to CARLA ...
INFORMATION: Connected to CARLA at localhost:2000.
need_set_ready: true
simulation_start_event {
INFORMATION: Setting CARLA sample time 0.020000 s.
Loading map /Game/RoadRunner/Maps/THW_Kreuzung ...
WARNING: cannot parse georeference: ''. Using default values.
WARNING: Traffic sign 83 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 82 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 84 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 81 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
Warning: no actor mapping for RoadRunner asset file Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx.
INFORMATION: Instantiated the class RoadRunnerVehicle as CarlaVehicle 1 (Assets/Vehicles/Sedan.fbx) using the actor blueprint vehicle.tesla.cybertruck with the color (default) at Transform(Location(-4.852268,34.982124,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,-30.592974,-0.000000))
Warning: no actor mapping for RoadRunner asset file Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx_rrx.
INFORMATION: Instantiated the class RoadRunnerVehicle as SchoolBus 2 (Assets/Vehicles/SchoolBus.fbx_rrx) using the actor blueprint vehicle.tesla.cybertruck with the color (default) at Transform(Location(10.627756,-22.773804,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,43.604153,-0.000000))
Warning: no actor mapping for RoadRunner asset file Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx.
INFORMATION: Instantiated the class CarlaEgoVehicle1 as hero 3 (Assets/Vehicles/Suv.fbx_rrx) using the actor blueprint vehicle.tesla.cybertruck with the color (default) at Transform(Location(-26.279364,21.269466,1.000000), Rotation(0.000000,-9.825145,-0.000000))
WARNING: cannot parse georeference: ''. Using default values.
WARNING: Traffic sign 83 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 84 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 82 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
WARNING: Traffic sign 81 overlaps a driving lane. Moving out of the road...
WARNING: Failed to find suitable place for signal.
.Actor: hero. Speed action: 0.000000 m/s
Actor: hero. The number of the path action points: 108
Shutting down the simulation client ...
Destroying CarlaVehicle 1 ...
Destroying SchoolBus 2 ...
Destroying hero 3 ...
Simulation has stopped.
Terminating CARLA ...
carlaserver2@carlaserver2:/usr/local/RoadRunner_R2023a/bin/glnxa64/Tools/CARLA/SimulationClient$ Exiting abnormally (error code: 143)
Ich hatte erwartet, dass beide Simulationen gleichzeitig ablaufen, wie in den Lehrvideos gezeigt.
Für jede Hilfe wäre ich dankbar.
Besten Dank.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Stefan Waelisch
  1 Comment
Stefan Waelisch
Stefan Waelisch on 28 Jun 2023
The Ego vehicle speed has to be ≠ 0 as it seems. 😅
Die Geschwindigkeit des Ego-Fahrzeugs muss scheinbar ≠ 0 sein.

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Answers (1)

Stefan Waelisch
Stefan Waelisch on 4 Jul 2023
Diese Frage kann geschlossen werden.
Kurze Recap:
Das problem war, dass die Karte nicht gefunden wurde. Dies wurde durch einen erneuten Import behoben.
Weiterhin muss der Actor in Form des Auto's (gesteuert z.B. durch die aus den examples) eine Mindestgeschwindigkeit von >=0 besitzen.
Diese Fehler konnten durch Nutzung der im Terminal identifiziert werden.
Außerdem kann dieses Python-Programm genutzt werden um auch direkt im UnrealEditor in der Build-from-Source-Variante (make launch) die Bridge herzustellen, was ja auch das initiale Ziel darstellt. Dazu muss im Vorfeld in der "SimulationConfiguration.xml" im Feld <ExecutablePath> der Pfad entfernt werden, der Carla-Server im Editor mit dem Play-Button gestartet werden, Roadrunner muss gestartet & das Szenario geladen sein, dann muss die gestartet werden und abschließend kann durch drücken des Play-Buttons in RoadRunner die Cosimulation auch im Carla-Editor ausgeführt werden.




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