rising time

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Bhargavi on 31 Oct 2011
I have 4 plots in a graph. Each of them have a starting point and a point at it which the peak shoots to a level and then falls down again. I want to find the time it takes to rise from starting point to the peak.

Answers (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 31 Oct 2011
S = STEPINFO(Y,T,YFINAL) takes step response data (T,Y) and a steady-state value YFINAL and returns a structure S containing the following performance indicators:
* RiseTime: rise time
* SettlingTime: settling time
* SettlingMin: min value of Y once the response has risen
* SettlingMax: max value of Y once the response has risen
* Overshoot: percentage overshoot (relative to YFINAL)
* Undershoot: percentage undershoot
* Peak: peak absolute value of Y
* PeakTime: time at which this peak is reached.
sys=tf(1, [1 4 10]);
plot(t,y);grid on;
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 1 Nov 2011
I don't understand. If you have 4 plots, you have to run stepinfo() 4 times. If you cannot mention the value of YFINAL, that is fine. You can use stepinfo(Y,T). But if you can't mention the value of Y, how could you do it with your own brain?
Bhargavi on 2 Nov 2011
I had mentioned that I had four plots so that I could implement the same thing with my other plots too. I have about 10 subjects with 16 files for each subject. These 16 files are grouped in to 4 sub categories and I make subplots of each of these sets. I am sorry If I didn't explain it to you in detail.

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