How to apply a trained CNN model on a test image set for prediction of its classes and obtaining test accuracy
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I have trained a CNN model using a set of 8000 data having 5 classes. I have split the dataset as 80% for training and 20% for validation. After training I have saved the trained model using 'save(filename)' function. Now in a another script I want to load this trained model and use it on a different set of 1000 test image data. I have stored the test dataset of 5 classes in a folder. Now how can I apply the trained CNN model on this test image dataset and obtain the confusion plot and accuracy on test dataset? Someone please help with a sample code for this. I will be thankful to you.
Answers (1)
on 19 Jul 2023
You can simply load the model and then apply prediction.
[predictions, ~] = classify(model, imdsTest);
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