Plot selection in appdesigner
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Is it possible to have the "Edit plot" tool in an UIaxis in appdesigner? I need it to enable callback functions for selection of curves and surface objects.
Answers (1)
Sandeep Mishra
on 11 Oct 2024
Hi Jon,
To incorporate the plot’s callback function in an app designed with the UIAxes component, MATLAB's built-in callback functions can be used.
The ‘ButtonDownFcn’ callback is effective for detecting user interactions with the plot, such as selecting plotted objects.
Refer to the following example code snippet:
plot(app.UIAxes, x, y, 'ButtonDownFcn', @(src, event) plotClicked(app, src));
function plotClicked(app, src)
% Plot object
plotObject = src;
% Perform additional actions based on selection
disp(['Selected plot: ', plotObject]);
% Perform tasks on plot object
Refer to the following MathWorks Documentation to learn more about ‘ButtonDownFcn’ (Button Down Callback Function):
I hope this helps.
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