Help with exporting tables, as separate tabs, into an Excel Sheet

10 views (last 30 days)
Hi, would anyone please be able to assist with this.
I have written several lines of code that generate specific tables. These are the lines of code with their generated tables all in one script.
At at the end, I have written additional code that exports the tables into an Excel sheet but doesnt seem to be working. How can I use the 'writetable' function correctly to export both of these tables as seperate tabs into 1 excel sheet?
Any help would be freatly appreciated. Thankyou.
Stephen23 on 9 Aug 2023
Edited: Stephen23 on 9 Aug 2023
% Create a cell array to hold your tables
tables = { Total_Drivehsaft_Torque , Driveshaft_Speed };
names = {'Total Driveshaft Torque','Total Driveshaft Speed'};
% Specify the filename for the Excel file
excelFilename = 'Excel Export from SRDC_MIDAS_Simulations.xlsx';
% Write each table to a separate sheet in the Excel file
for k = 1:numel(tables)
writetable(tables{k}, excelFilename, 'Sheet',names{k})

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