MATLAB standalone App not working when installed on another system

11 views (last 30 days)
I designed a MATLAB App using MATLAB App Designer. My app plays videos corresponding to the given words. It works fine. Next, using MATLAB compiler I developed .exe file of my app. Using this .exe file I installed the app on different system. On this system, my app window opens but when I give words as input I don't get any video. I simply get blank GUI window of my app. Can anyone suggest some way out? Feel free to comment.

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 27 Aug 2023
See the FAQ for a list of common reasons your compiled app won't run on a target system:
Most likely it's a path problem where you are either not deploying the videos to the target system, or you are not specifying the full path name correctly in the code (like you're just assuming the videos should be in the current folder).
NAVNEET NAYAN on 4 Sep 2023
Edited: NAVNEET NAYAN on 5 Sep 2023
Here, I have attached the .zip file that contains the .mlapp files and .mp4 files of few alphabets and words. My target is to display videos of alphabets, combination of alphabets (with space and without space) and words and run this app as a standalone app on a different system.
NAVNEET NAYAN on 11 Sep 2023
@Image Analyst Did you get some time to look into the problem? I kept on trying to find a way but I couldn't find a solution.

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