Any knows why a second line appears in the bottom x-axis?

1 view (last 30 days)
I use this line to save (exportgraphics(fig,'RossbyFig3d.jpg','Resolution', 600)). If I use .pdf the line does not appear. By the way, I added a right axis y ticks using:
axis xy
rightytick = [190 230 290 330 350 385];
rightytick = flip(rightytick);
h2 = axes('Position', h1.Position, 'Color', 'none', 'YLim', h1.YLim, 'XLim', h1.XLim, 'XTick', [], ...
'YAxisLocation', 'right','YTick', ((1./rightytick)./86400).*1e8, 'YTickLabel', sprintf('%.0f\n', rightytick), ...
'FontSize', 10);
ylabel('Period (days)')
Do you think above caused the problem? Thank you for the help. Appreciate a lot.
  1 Comment
Mac on 8 Sep 2023
I tried running the script without the code to plot the right y axis ticks, and the second line in the bottom x-axis is removed. Anyone knows a better way to add a right y-axis? Thanks a lot.

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Accepted Answer

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 8 Sep 2023
"Anyone knows a better way to add a right y-axis?"
Try yyaxis

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