Actually, in case it matters to anyone, I think I have it figured out.
The key is to download the LED control package from Dino-Lite (You can find it here.) The PDF that is attached as part of the package should direct you through some of the commands.
The general guidelines are as follows:
- Simply locate the DN_DS_Ctrl.exe file (most likely located at a location like C:\Program Files (x86)\Dino-Lite DOS Control.)
- Copy the file to your current work directory (or add the path to the location where the file is located.)
- At this point, you are pretty much good to go with things. You can look at the How to use Dino-Lite DOS Control Commands PDF to locate the specific commands.
- You can learn about how to run DOS commands via MATLAB from the documentation here.
For my particular application, I ended up simply creating a checkbox object for the GUI that I was using. The general concept of the operation is as follows:
checkBoxVal = get(hObject,'Value'); % Get the checkbox value (1 or 0)
if checkBoxVal % If checked 'on', let's turn on the LEDs
dos('DN_DS_Ctrl.exe LED on')
else % If checked 'off', let's turn off the LEDs
dos('DN_DS_Ctrl.exe LED off')
That's what I have for now, and hope this helps someone! Please let me know if you have any questions!